Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Room 1
Chairperson: J. Bech, B. De Vivo, E. Korobova
EGU2010-1254 Sources of pollution in the soils of the city of Huelva (SW of the Iberian Peninsula) Joaquín Delgado, Marco Guillen, Jose Miguel Nieto, Stefano Albanese, Anamaria Lima, and Benedetto De Vivo
EGU2010-1014 Phytotoxkit® and Ostracodtoxkit® tests for assessing the toxicity of sediment samples with high concentration of heavy metals Maria Luz Garcia-Lorenzo, Maria Jose Martinez-Sanchez, Jose Molina, and Manuel Hernandez-Cordoba
Bioaccessibility of Arsenic and Heavy Metals and Health Risk Assessment around the Abandoned Gold Mine Sites in Korea(withdrawn) Hyo-Taek Chon, EunHye Chung, Hye-Sook Lim, Jin-Soo Lee, and Manfred Sager
EGU2010-12926 Effects of organic and inorganic amendments on heavy metal fractionation in soils from the "Cartagena-La Union" mining site (Spain) Rafael Clemente, Carlos de la Fuente, José Antonio Alburquerque, Isabel Martínez-Alcalá, Tania Pardo, and María Pilar Bernal
EGU2010-2450 Metal distribution and mobility in lateritic soils affected by Cu-Co smelting in the Copperbelt district, Zambia Vojtech Ettler, Martin Mihaljevic, Vladimir Majer, Bohdan Kribek, and Ondrej Sebek
EGU2010-420 Study on different thickness topsoil quality of reclaimed land filling with coal gangue in coal mine area \begin{center} —-A case study of xinzhuangzi coal mine, china \end{center} liangji Xu, jiaping Yan, and yongmei Gao
EGU2010-13426 Landscape and bio- geochemical strategy for monitoring transformation and reclamation of the soil mining sites Elena Korobova
EGU2010-11936 Risk assessment and restoration possibilities of some abandoned mining ponds in Murcia Region, SE Spain Angel Faz, Jose A. Acosta, Silvia Martinez-Martinez, Dora M. Carmona, Raul Zornoza, Sebla Kabas, and Jaume Bech
EGU2010-5971 Adsorption and oxidation of arsenite by iron minerals in the presence of microorganisms Leonid Perelomov, Anna Corsini, and Vincenza Andreoni
EGU2010-12702 Metallic particles to stimulate sulfate reduction: A new approach for Bioremediation in low pH streams Naresh Kumar, Leen Bastiaens, Karolien Vanbroekhoven, Romain Millot, Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, and Ludo Diels
EGU2010-4687 Low Cost Remediation of Mining Sites with Biosolids Walter Daniels, Gregory Evanylo, and Tomasz Stuczynski
EGU2010-14738 Effect of some amendments on leachate properties of a calcareous saline- sodic soil: A laboratory experiment Najme Yazdanpanah and Majid Mahmoodabadi