EGU2010-12783 Role of Native and Exotic Earthworms in Plant Biopolymer Dynamics in Forest Soil Timothy Filley
EGU2010-12916 Fate of lignin, cutin and suberin in soil organic matter fractions - an incubation experiment Carsten W. Mueller, Kevin E. Mueller, Katherine H. Freeman, and Kögel-Knabner Ingrid
EGU2010-9020 Combination of different methods to assess the fate of lignin in decomposing needle and leave litter Thimo Klotzbücher, Timothy Filley, Klaus Kaiser, and Karsten Kalbitz
EGU2010-2657 Occurrence and distribution of extractable and non-extractable GDGTs in podzols: implications for the reconstruction of mean air temperature Arnaud Huguet, Céline Fosse, Pierre Metzger, and Sylvie Derenne
EGU2010-6969 Exploring the provenance of vegetation and environmental signatures encoded in vascular plant biomarkers carried by the Ganges-Brahmaputra rivers Valier Galy, Timothy Eglinton, Christian France-Lanord, and Sean Sylva
EGU2010-8103 Supply of terrestrial organic matter to Amazon Shelf sediments of the last 1000 years deduced from bacteriohopanepolyols and other lipid biomarkers Wiebke Kallweit, Gesine Mollenhauer, Helen M. Talbot, Thomas Wagner, and Matthias Zabel