Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 8
Chairperson: Gary Sheridan
EGU2010-3748 Hydrologic Effects of Wildfire at a Range of Spatial Scales
Press & Media Charles Luce
EGU2010-934 Forest fire effects on transpiration: process modeling of sapwood area reduction Sean Michaletz and Edward Johnson
EGU2010-7540 Post-wildfire erosion and mass movement in British Columbia: site-scale soil changes and catchment-scale processes Peter Jordan
EGU2010-3009 Characterising fire severity patches to understand how burn patchiness affects runoff connectivity and erosion Jane Cawson, Gary Sheridan, Patrick Lane, and Hugh Smith
EGU2010-4849 Observations of drainage network change in a recently burned watershed using terrestrial laser scanning Dennis Staley, Thad Wasklewicz, and Jason Kean