Monday, 3 May 2010
Room 42
Chairperson: Michael Heap
EGU2010-6816 Compaction creep of granular calcite under upper crustal conditions: Effects of aqueous pore fluids and supercritical CO2 Christopher J. Spiers, Emilia Liteanu, and Xiangmin Zhang
EGU2010-5559 Permeability and mechanical behavior of carbonates during semi-brittle flow Mirna Slim and Brian Evans
EGU2010-2244 Micromechanics of inelastic compaction in micritic and allochemical limestones Veronika Vajdova, Patrick Baud, Wei Zhu, Lily Wu, and Teng-fong Wong
EGU2010-11592 Relationships between petrophysical, sedimentological and microstructural properties of the Oolithes Blanche formation, a saline aquifer in the Paris Basin. Lisa Casteleyn, Philippe Robion, Pierry-Yves Collin, Beatriz Menéndez, Christian David, Nathalie Fernandes, Guy Desaubliaux, Rémi Dreux, Christophe Rigollet, and Guillaume Badinier
EGU2010-8140 Spatial Heterogeneity of Carbonates: genetic approach Sophie Violette, Julio Gonçalvès, and Ghislain de Marsily
EGU2010-12036 Faulting in porous carbonate grainstones Emanuele Tondi and Fabrizio Agosta