EGU2010-8811 Four years of the speleothem Forschergruppe DAPHNE (DAted sPeleothems: arcHives of the paleoeNvironmEnt) - a review
Press & Media Augusto Mangini and The DAPHNE Crew
EGU2010-11480 Improving interpretation of stalagmite δ18O and growth-rate with cave-analogue calcite growth experiments Chris Day and Gideon Henderson
EGU2010-7010 Relationship between recent cave temperatures and noble gas temperatures derived from fluid inclusions of modern soda straw stalactites Laszlo Palcsu, Laszlo Papp, Zoltan Major, and Mihaly Molnar
EGU2010-4954 The influence of soil organic matter age spectrum on the reconstruction of atmospheric 14C levels via stalagmites Jens Fohlmeister, Bernd Kromer, and Augusto Mangini
EGU2010-13130 Changes in the balance of soil respired CO2 (root vs. soil organic matter) during the Younger Dryas event; evidence from three European cave sites Dominika Rudzka and Frank McDermott
EGU2010-8275 Methodologies to extract regional scale climate signals from site-specific noise in speleothem stable isotope records
Press & Media Frank McDermott
EGU2010-13334 Duration and structure of drier conditions in Central China during the 8.2 kyr event Gideon Henderson, Yuhui Liu, Norman Charnley, Chaoyong Hu, Shucheng Xie, and Andrew Mason
EGU2010-8163 A Younger Dryas speleothem record from the northern Alps Marc Luetscher, John Hellstrom, and Christoph Spötl
EGU2010-14937 Climate in northern Spain through the Younger Dryas and Holocene preserved in a precisely dated speleothem from La Garma cave, Cantabria Lisa Baldini, Frank McDermott, Pablo Arias Cabal, Cristina Garcia-Monco, James Baldini, David Mattey, Dirk Hoffmann, David Richards, and Wolfgang Mueller
EGU2010-1601 Synchroneity or asynchroniety of climate sequences between Japan and Greenland during the last deglaciation?
Akihiro Kano, Chuan-Chou Shen, Masako Hori, Ke Lin, Tzu-Chien Chiu, and George S. Burr