Monday, 3 May 2010
Room 20
Chairperson: Kueppers, U.; Taddeucci, J.; Delmelle, P.; Lavallee, Y.
EGU2010-14349 Ash production through brittle cataclasis during dome emplacement
Lori Kennedy and Kelly Russell
EGU2010-9379 Determination of volcanic eruption explosivity from fractal analysis of experimentally generated pyroclasts Miguel Alatorre-Ibarguengoitia, Francesca Capuccini, Ulrich Kueppers, Diego Perugini, and Donald Dingwell
EGU2010-5853 Atmospheric and environmental impacts of volcanic ash particle emissions
Adam Durant
High temperature SO2 adsorption by volcanic glasses: New implications for gas scavenging processes in the eruption plume(withdrawn) Paul M. Ayris, Pierre Delmelle, Adam F. Lee, Karen Wilson, Donald B. Dingwell, and Ulrich Kueppers
EGU2010-11511 Abrasion during pyroclastic density currents
Constanze Putz, Ulrich Kueppers, and Donald B Dingwell
EGU2010-15294 Ash Features from Present-day Activity at Stromboli Chiara Cannata, Jacopo Taddeucci, Nicole Lautze, Rosanna De Rosa, Paola Donato, and Piergiorgio Scarlato