EGU2010-579 Short-term versus long-term responses to drought stress: coupling manipulation experiments with gradient studies Nicolas Martin and Laurent Misson
Effects of seasonal drought on the hydraulic architecture of five tree species in a species-rich deciduous forest(withdrawn) Paul Köcher, Ingo Beckmeyer, Viviana Horna, and Christoph Leuschner
EGU2010-3917 Effects of drought and irrigation on ecosystem functioning in a mature Scots pine forest Matthias Dobbertin, Ivano Brunner, Simon Egli, Britta Eilmann, Eisabeth Graf Pannatier, Patrick Schleppi, Andreas Zingg, and Andreas Rigling
EGU2010-11365 Are tall trees more sensitive to prolonged drought in tropical per-humid forests? Bernhard Schuldt, Viviana Horna, and Christoph Leuschner
EGU2010-10482 Species-specific fine root biomass distribution alters competition in mixed forests under climate change Christopher Reyer, Martin Gutsch, Petra Lasch, Felicitas Suckow, Frank Sterck, and Frits Mohren
EGU2010-4568 Spatial pattern of terrestrial carbon dioxide and water vapor coupling Christian Beer, Markus Reichstein, Philippe Ciais, Edouard Davin, Fabienne Maignan, Paulo Oliveira, Shilong Piao, Thomas Raddatz, Enrico Tomelleri, and Nicholas Viovy