EGU2010-9600 Sub-ice shelf circulation and basal melting of the Fimbul Ice Shelf
Press & Media Ole Anders Nost and the Fimbul
EGU2010-3965 Coupling of ice-shelf melting and buttressing is a key process in ice-sheets dynamics
Olivier Gagliardini, Gaël Durand, Thomas Zwinger, Richard Hindmarsh, and Emmanuel Le Meur
EGU2010-10622 Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to increased ice-shelf oceanic melting
David Pollard and Robert DeConto
EGU2010-7372 Using immersed boundary methods to couple a dynamical ocean model to a dynamical ice sheet/ice shelf model Xylar Asay-Davis, William Lipscomb, and Steven Price
EGU2010-9856 Tidal rifting of the Mertz glacier tongue Benoit Legresy, Lydie Lescarmontier, Richard Coleman, Neal Young, and Laurent Testut
EGU2010-14386 The influence of coastal polynyas on the basal melting of ice shelves. Benjamin Galton-Fenzi, Simon Marsland, Andrew Meijers, and Alex Fraser