Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 5
Chairperson: Delaloye, Gruber, Rigon
Introduction and Poster Oral Summary
EGU2010-12966 Uncertainties in the simulation of permafrost response to global warming Rutger Dankers, Oleg Anisimov, Pete Falloon, Jemma Gornall, Svetlana Reneva, and Andy Wiltshire
EGU2010-830 Ground surface temperatures (GST) modeling in the Russian Altay Mountains by using MODIS Land Surface Temperatures (LST). Assessment of the impact of snow cover, topography, landcover and sub-pixel variability on the GST-LST relationship. Ruben Van De Kerchove and Rudi Goossens
EGU2010-3532 Coupled thermal and geophysical modelling for monitoring of permafrost
Jörg Rings, Martin Scherler, and Christian Hauck
EGU2010-9283 The thermodynamics of freezing soils Matteo Dall'Amico, Riccardo Rigon, Stephan Gruber, and Stefano Endrizzi
EGU2010-15430 An Alpine-wide empirically-based permafrost distribution model Lorenz Boeckli, Alexander Brenning, Jeannette Noetzli, and Stephan Gruber