EGU2010-6910 The Eocene Arctic Azolla phenomenon: species composition, temporal range and geographic extent. Margaret Collinson, Judith Barke, Johan van der Burgh, Johanna van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Martin Pearce, Jonathan Bujak, and Henk Brinkhuis
EGU2010-4347 HadCM3L predictions of ocean temperature response to the growth of the Antarctic ice sheet during the Early Oligocene Alan Haywood, Daniel Lunt, and Paul Valdes
EGU2010-5396 Multiproxy record to constrain sea surface temperature cooling across the greenhouse-icehouse transition in the Gulf of Mexico Bridget Wade, Willemijn Quaijtaal, Stefan Schouten, Alexander Houben, Kenneth Miller, Yair Rosenthal, Miriam Katz, and Henk Brinkhuis
EGU2010-11277 Early Oligocene glaciation and productivity change in the eastern equatorial Pacific Helen Coxall and Paul Wilson
EGU2010-2554 High latitude climate change and ocean gateways. Willem Sijp
EGU2010-10904 The Role of Carbon Dioxide during the Onset of Antarctic Glaciation Mark Pagani, Zhonghui Liu, Steven Bohaty, Robert DeConto, Matthew Huber, and Jorijntje Hendriks