Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 16
Chairperson: Dan Lunt, Nanne Weber
Pre-Quaternary climates
EGU2010-6232 Cretaceous Polar Warming through Unforced Climate Variability in the paleo-North Pacific Chris J. Poulsen and Jing Zhou
EGU2010-13542 Andean Uplift in the Context of Global Climate Change Louise Jeffery, Chris Poulsen, Todd Ehlers, and Nadja Insel
The 100 kyr cycle and last glacial inception
EGU2010-5019 100 kyr World: the role of carbon dioxide, regolith and eolian dust Andrei Ganopolski and Reinhard Calov
EGU2010-2290 Glacial-interglacial changes of ocean temperatures and their sensitivity to atmospheric temperature and ocean circulation Stefan P. Ritz, Thomas F. Stocker, and Fortunat Joos
EGU2010-12632 Transient simulation of the last inception (128 to 115ka BP) with a coupled climate - cryosphere model Didier M. Roche, Christophe Dumas, Catherine Ritz, and Hugues Goosse
Abrupt climate changes and the last glacial maximum climate
EGU2010-4823 Impact of freshwater release in the North Atlantic under different climate conditions in an OAGCM Didier Swingedouw, Juliette Mignot, Pascale Braconnot, Eloi Mosquet, Masa Kageyama, and Ramdane Alkama
EGU2010-10458 Does the North Atlantic influence the monsoon signal in Asian speleothems? Francesco S.R. Pausata, David S. Battisti, and Kerim H. Nisancioglu
EGU2010-10580 Modelling wetland methane emissions in response to idealised Dansgaard-Oeschger events Peter O. Hopcroft, Paul J. Valdes, and David J. Beerling
EGU2010-12736 The importance of equilibration in glacial climate simulations Jenny Brandefelt, Erik Kjellström, Jens-Ove Näslund, Gustav Strandberg, Antje Voelker, and Barbara Wohlfarth
The Holocene
EGU2010-10509 Effects of orbital forcing and climate variability in a transient simulation of the Holocene with a comprehensive Earth System Model Nils Fischer and Johann H. Jungclaus
EGU2010-6528 Detecting seasonal signals in Holocene sea surface temperature trends by satellite-model-proxy integration Birgit Schneider, Guillaume Leduc, and Wonsun Park
EGU2010-10741 Impact of Earth's orbit and fresh water fluxes on Holocene climate mean seasonal cycle and ENSO characteristics Pascale Braconnot, Yihua Luan, Simon Brewer, and Weipeng Zheng