EGU2010-3858 Formation of a broad plasma mixing layer by forward and inverse energy cascades of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Yosuke Matsumoto and Kanako Seki
Electron acceleration associated with substorm dipolarization fronts(withdrawn) Maha Ashour-Abdalla, Meng Zhou, David Schriver, Mostafa El-Alaoui, Xiaohua Deng, Robert Richard, and Raymond Walker
EGU2010-2733 Asymmetry in the magnetic field signatures of flux transfer events
Robert Fear, Steve Milan, Joachim Raeder, and David Sibeck
EGU2010-3735 Plasma Beta and Magnetic Shear Dependence of the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause: THEMIS Observations
TAI PHAN, Goetz Paschmann, Jack Gosling, Vassilis Angelopoulos, James McFadden, Davin Larson, and Karl-Heinz Glassmeier
EGU2010-2935 New Observations of Solar Wind Dissipation across Earth's Bow Shock George Parks, E. Lee, A. Teste, N. Lin, M. Wilber, I. Dancouras, H. Reme, S. Fu, and J. Cao