EGU2010-3792 On the importance of viscous anisotropy in shear-induced melt segregation and organization
Yasuko Takei and Benjamin Holtzman
EGU2010-14121 Two-phase gravity currents in CO2 sequestration
Jerome Neufeld, Madeleine Golding, and Marc Hesse
EGU2010-7363 Two-phase dynamics of volcanic eruptions: Acoustic-porosity waves and the conditions for choking David Bercovici and Chloé Michaut
EGU2010-3069 Active spreading processes at ultraslow mid-ocean ridges: The 1999-2001 seismo-volcanic episode at 85°E Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean Vera Schlindwein, Carsten Riedel, Edith Korger, and Christine Läderach
EGU2010-7453 Recent Magmatism on the Northern East Pacific Rise: Implications for Decadal Changes in Magma Chamber Composition and Relationships to Crustal Melt Distribution Michael Perfit, Adam Goss, Allison Fundis, Ian Ridley, Kenneth Rubin, Adam Soule, Daniel Fornari, and Suzanne Carbotte
EGU2010-14597 Seismological Imaging of Melt Production Regions Beneath the Backarc Spreading Center and Volcanic Arc, Mariana Islands Douglas Wiens, Sara Pozgay, Mitchell Barklage, Moira Pyle, Hajime Shiobara, and Hiroko Sugioka