EGU2010-3544 Alternative(s) to fractional-diffusion equations in bedload-transport models Christophe Ancey, François Mettra, and Valentin Mettraux
EGU2010-6956 Complexity and multi-scale dynamics of migrating dunes under varying flow conditions Arvind Singh, Stefano Lanzoni, and Efi Foufoula-Georgiou
EGU2010-15235 Aeolian sand transport: Experiment and Theory A. Valance, A. Ould Eld Moctar, P. Dupont, I. Cantat, and J. Jenkins
EGU2010-5329 Morphogenesis and dynamics of transverse and longitudinal dunes Sylvain Courrech du Pont, Erwan Reffet, Pascal Hersen, and Stéphane Douady
EGU2010-12181 Numerical modelling of bedload sediment transport Vincent J. Langlois
EGU2010-14533 Flooding, flow path selection and growth of alluvial fans and deltas Douglas Jerolmack and Meredith Reitz