Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 21
Chairperson: Margarita Stancheva
EGU2010-1626 Converting old shore protection structures into softer defence Enzo Pranzini
EGU2010-224 Changes in natural development of shores caused by artificial disturbance, increased cyclonic activity and related warmer winters in the Sillamäe case study area (Estonia, Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea) Hannes Tõnisson, Are Kont, Reimo Rivis, Kaarel Orviku, Ülo Suursaar, and Jaak Jaagus
EGU2010-339 Dolan and Davis (1992) Power Index: Application to Coastal Storm Events in Cadiz (SW Spain) Nelson Rangel-Buitrago and Giorgio Anfuso
EGU2010-7216 Impact of coastal management practice on long-term foredune behaviour Kathelijne M. Wijnberg and Lisette M. Bochev-van der Burgh
EGU2010-12122 Coastal structures and local morphodynamics changes identification using image classification algorithms - Stretch Esmoriz - Cortegaça, Portugal Joaquim Pais Barbosa, Ana Teodoro, Fernando Veloso Gomes, and Francisco Taveira Pinto
EGU2010-39 The Study of Coastal Buffer Zone in Taiwan for Conception of Coastal Environment Recovery and Protection YI-TING LI, YUAN-JYH LAN, and TAI-WEN HSU