Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 21
Chairperson: S. Krastel, D. Vachtman
Landslides, slope stability assessment and consequences
EGU2010-1682 Seafloor features and processes of the West Nile Delta Roger Moore, Andy Mills, and Gayle Hough
EGU2010-5045 Large-scale mapping of submarine geohazard-related features: example from the Italian Project MAGIC (Marine Geohazards along the Italian Coasts)Press & Media Domenico Ridente, Alessandro Bosman, Daniele Casalbore, Andrea Sposato, and Francesco L. Chiocci
EGU2010-6256 Submarine landslides and tsunami potential Off SE Australian Margin: results from the voyage SS2008/12 Asrarur Rahman Talukder, Ron Boyd, Jock Keene, Tom Hubble, Samantha Clarke, Michael Kinsela, Neville Exon, Jim Gardner, and Janice Felzenberg
EGU2010-1290 Submarine mass wasting features at the southern central Chilean continental margin - a new database David Voelker, Jacob Geersen, Willi R. Weinrebe, and Jan H. Behrmann
EGU2010-6416 Periodic development of slope failures due to thrust displacement in physical models: application to submarine landslides Yasuhiro Yamada, Yoshihiro Yamashita, and Yuzuru Yamamoto
EGU2010-7807 Mapping basin-wide subaquatic slope failure susceptibility as a tool to assess regional seismic and tsunami hazards Michael Strasser, Michael Hilbe, and Flavio S. Anselmetti
Seafloor expression of tectonic processes
EGU2010-11527 Effects of neotectonic and sedimentary processes on the seafloor geomorphology of the Tekirdag Basin of the western Marmara Sea (Turkey) Mustafa Ergin and Füsun Yigit-Faridfathi
EGU2010-1163 Active tectonic morphology and submarine deformation of the northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba from analyses of multibeam data Gideon Tibor, Tina Niemi, Zvi Ben-Avraham, Abdallah Al-Zoubi, Ronnie Sade, John Hall, Gal Hartman, Emad Akawi, Abed Abueladas, and Rami Al-Ruzouq
EGU2010-6508 Sequences of generation and mortality of fringing reefs in changing sedimentary environments along the northern shelf of the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba during the late Quaternary Gal Hartman, Zvi Ben-Avraham, Gideon Tibor, Tina Niemi, Abdallah Al-Zoubi, John Hall, Rami Al-Ruzouq, Emad Akawi, Abed Abueladas, and Yizhaq Makovsky
EGU2010-12658 Seafloor morphology of the Eurasia-Nubia (Africa) plate boundary between the Tore-Madeira Rise and the Straits of Gibraltar: a case of coexistent Mesozoic through Present day features of tectonic, oceanographic and sedimentary origin Pedro Terrinha, João Duarte, Vasco Valadares, Luis Batista, Nevio Zitellini, Eulalia Gràcia, Nuno Lourenço, Filipe Rosas, and Cristina Roque
EGU2010-7143 Structure-forming deformations on Knipovich ridge (physical modeling) A.V. Kokhan, A.L. Grokholsky, A.S. Abramova, E.P. Dubinin, and S.Yu. Sokolov
EGU2010-7582 Seafloor morphology and the thermal evolution of oceanic lithosphere Carol Stein