Attendance Time: Monday, 3 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: Terry Dillon
EGU2010-2477 Rate coefficients for the reaction of the hydroxyl radical with pyrrole Terry J. Dillon, Katrin Dulitz, Abraham Horowitz, Maria E. Tucceri, and John N. Crowley
EGU2010-2509 HOx regeneration in isoprene oxidation: global model evaluation of newly-proposed reaction sequences Jean-Francois Muller, Jozef Peeters, and Jenny Stavrakou
EGU2010-2523 Uptake Co-efficient Studies of HO2 Radicals with NaCl and (NH4)2SO4 Aerosols under Atmospheric Conditions Kate H Faloon and William J Bloss
EGU2010-3448 Gaseous elemental mercury and reactive gaseous mercury in coastal urban areas Anne L. Soerensen, Henrik Skov, and Matthew Johnson
Global impact of NO2 photo-excitation using a global online chemical transport model(withdrawn) Oriol Jorba, Donald Dabdub, José María Baldasano, Michele Spada, and Alba Badia
EGU2010-5869 Kinetic smog-chamber studies on halogen activation from a simulated salt pan, using dry and wet NaCl/NaBr surfaces Sergej Bleicher, Natalja Balzer, Cornelius Zetzsch, Joelle Buxmann, and Ulrich Platt
EGU2010-7386 Summertime HCHO meaurements in New York City in 2009 Yu-Chi Lin, James J. Schwab, and Kenneth K. Demerjian
EGU2010-11257 OH and HO2 in the boundary layer as observed during DOMINO Eric Regelin, Monica Martinez, Hartwig Harder, and Jos Lelieveld and the DOMINO Team
EGU2010-9918 Measurements of OH and HO2 at a tropical marine location as part of the SOLAS Seasonal Oxidant Study Stewart Vaughan, Trevor Ingham, Daniel Stone, Lisa Whalley, Mathew Evans, and Dwayne Heard
EGU2010-10711 Chamber studies of the formation of iodine oxide particles Dean Venables, Enowmbi Ashu-Ayem, Ciaran Monahan, and Colin O'Dowd
EGU2010-10564 Time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometry: Measuring gaseous iodine species after selective uptake in lab-generated aerosols Michael Kundel, Marco Ries, Mathias Schott, and Thorsten Hoffmann
EGU2010-11619 Column Densities of Bromine Monoxide as Measured from Space Compared to Ground-Based Measurements During the OASIS Barrow Campaign in Spring 2009 Holger Sihler, Udo Frieß, Thomas Wagner, and Ulrich Platt
EGU2010-11891 Investigation of aromatic compound degradation under atmospheric conditions in the outdoor simulation chamber SAPHIR Sascha Nehr, Birger Bohn, Franz Rohrer, Ralf Tillmann, Robert Wegener, Hans-Peter Dorn, Rolf Häseler, Theo Brauers, and Andreas Wahner
EGU2010-12352 Field studies of BrO and IO at salt ponds (Namibia and Botswana) and related smog chamber experiments on environmental salt and soil samples Joelle Buxmann, Natalja Balzer, Sergej Bleicher, Karsten Kotte, Ulrich Platt, Cornelius Zetzsch, and Jacobus J Pienaar
EGU2010-13032 Bromine and iodine chemistry in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: a model study Roberto Sommariva and Roland von Glasow
EGU2010-3250 Is the 'Bromine Explosion' generated from the reaction BrO HO2 alone? Wolfgang Behnke and Cornelius Zetzsch
EGU2010-14463 Gas phase glyoxal and methylglyoxal yields from the oxidation of isoprene and first generation products Melissa Galloway, Christine Loza, Lindsay Yee, Arthur Chan, John Crounse, Paul Wennberg, John Seinfeld, and Frank Keutsch
EGU2010-14743 Spectroscopical Determination of ground-level concentrations of Reactive Halogen Species (RHS) above salt lakes, salt pans and other areas with high halogen emissions Robert Holla, Sebastian Landwehr, Ulrich Platt, Karsten Kotte, Linda V. Lisitsyna, Ines Mulder, Maren Emmerich, Stefan Huber, and Markus Heidak
EGU2010-3949 Infrared Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy for Monitoring of the atmospheric oxidation capacity Weixiong Zhao, Gerard Wysocki, Weidong Chen, Eric Fertein, Denis Petitprez, and Weijun Zhang
EGU2010-4254 Development of a fast GC/MS-system for airborne measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds Ann-Kathrin Wenk, Robert Wegener, Andreas Hofzumahaus, and Andreas Wahner
EGU2010-11774 LIF-instrument for Airborne and Ground-Based Measurement of OH and HO2 Radicals in the Troposphere. Sebastian Broch, Mathias Bachner, Knut Dahlhoff, Frank Holland, Andreas Hofzumahaus, Peter Jansen, Andreas Meier, Dominik Raak, Jörg Wolters, and Andreas Wahner
EGU2010-7497 Design and Field Testing of a Fiber Laser Based Formaldehyde Laser-Induced Fluorescence Instrument During BEARPEX 2009
Joshua DiGangi, Joshua Paul, Samuel Henry, Aster Kammrath, and Frank Keutsch and the BEARPEX Science Team
EGU2010-7272 Development of a continuous-wave quantum cascade laser instrument for atmospheric measurements of HONO near 1255 cm-1 Xiaojuan Cui, Weidong Chen, Eric Fertein, Wenqing Liu, Yujun Zhang, and Fengzhong Dong
EGU2010-9805 A review of 1000-day photolysis frequency measurements at Jülich, Germany Birger Bohn, Andreas Hofzumahaus, Axel Knaps, and Alexander Kraus
EGU2010-673 Sources of Halogen Oxides Along the Coastline of New Zealand: A Field Measurement Study Mónica Martínez-Avilés, Karin Kreher, Paul Johnston, Alan Thomas, Tim Hay, Robyn Schofield, and Mareike Kenntner
EGU2010-2724 Quantum chemical investigation on the catalytic mechanism of vanadium iodoperoxidase and the iodination of common organic compounds Óscar Gálvez and Luis F. Pacios
EGU2010-2907 How different would tropospheric oxidation be over an ice-free Arctic?
Apostolos Voulgarakis, Xin Yang, and John Pyle
EGU2010-7932 Weekend effect of O3, NO, NO2, CO and PM10 concentrations in the south of Spain during 2003-2008 Jose Antonio Adame Carnero, Antonio Lozano, Mar Sorribas, Juan Contreras, Miguel Ángel Hernández-Ceballos, Francisca Godoy, Mercedes Fernández-León, Juan Pedro Bolívar, and Benito A. De la Morena