Attendance Time: Friday, 7 May 2010, 10:30–12:00
Hall XL
Chairperson: Sigurdur Gislason
EGU2010-157 Comparing the applicability of some geostatistical methods to predict the spatial distribution of topsoil Calcium Carbonate in part of farmland of Zanjan Province Fereydoon Sarmadian and Ali Keshavarzi
EGU2010-3124 Anthropogenic and geogenic radionuclides content in an undisturbed Slovenian forest soil Jankong P, Mabit L, Toloza A, and Zupanc V
EGU2010-4321 The impact of dam construction on material delivered to the oceans Sigurdur Gislason, Eydis Eiriksdottir, Eric Oelkers, and Kevin Burton
EGU2010-4395 Does mineral surface area affect chemical weathering rates?
Eydis Salome Eiriksdottir, Sigurdur Reynir Gislason, and Eric H. Oelkers
EGU2010-12535 Linking the flux of water to soil development and carbon storage in the critical zone. Examples from the Marine Terrace Chronosequence, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. Corey Lawrence, Jennifer Harden, Kate Maher, Caroline Masiello, and Guntram Kiparski
Landscape geochemical barriers and critical zones of radiocesium accumulation(withdrawn) Elena Korobova and Sergey Romanov
EGU2010-3155 Preliminary study of a radiological survey in an abandoned uranium mining area in Madagascar
Rabesiranana N, Rasolonirina M, Solonjara A.F, Raoelina Andriambololona ., and Mabit L
EGU2010-5381 Fate of Estrogens in Soils and Detection by ELISA Emmanuelle Caron, Claudia Sheedy, Annemieke Farenhorst, Francis Zvomuya, Jeanette Gaultier, and Tom Goddard
EGU2010-7193 Predicting riverine dissolved silica fluxes by chemical weathering: results from a hyperactive region and analysis of first-order controls Jens Hartmann, Nils Jansen, Hans H. Dürr, Akira Harashima, Kenji Okubo, and Stephan Kempe
EGU2010-11979 Controls on the Flux, Age, and Composition of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Exported by Rivers to the Ocean Valier Galy, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Timothy Eglinton, Robert Holmes, Adam Soule, Scott Goetz, Nadine Laporte, and Wilfred Wollheim
EGU2010-15632 Behavior of major and trace elements upon weathering of peridotites in New Caledonia : A possible site on ultramafic rocks for the Critical Zone Exploration Network (CZEN) ? Farid Juillot, D. Fandeur, E. Fritsch, G. Morin, J.P. Ambrosi, L. Olivi, A. Cognigni, J.L. Hazemann, O. Proux, S. Webb, and G.E. Brown Jr.
EGU2010-3195 Lithium and Boron isotopic compositions of rainwaters in France: origin and spatio-temporal characterization Romain Millot, Emmanuelle Petelet-Giraud, Catherine Guerrot, and Philippe Négrel
EGU2010-4930 Dissolved rhenium in river waters: Insight into the chemical weathering of fossil organic carbon? Robert Hilton and Jerome Gaillardet
EGU2010-8595 Experimental identification of mechanisms controlling calcium isotopic fractionations by the vegetation. Florian Cobert, Anne-Désirée Schimtt, Pascale Bourgeade, Peter Stille, François Chabaux, Pierre-Marie Badot, and Thomas Jaegler
EGU2010-11471 Lithium isotope fractionation during low temperature leaching of basaltic glass: an experimental study Aurélie Verney-Carron, Nathalie Vigier, and Romain Millot
EGU2010-11608 Calcium isotopes in a proglacial weathering environment: Damma glacier, Switzerland Ruth S. Hindshaw, Ben C. Reynolds, Jan G. Wiederhold, Ruben Kretzschmar, and Bernard Bourdon
EGU2010-11992 Contribution of the airborne geophysical survey to the study of the regolith : A case study in southern Paris Basin. Francois Prognon, Fréderic Lacquement, Jacques Deparis, Guillaume Martelet, and José Perrin
EGU2010-12130 Study of micronutrients cycling in boreal forest of Central Siberia on continuous permafrost using Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) isotope fractionation Jérôme VIERS, Anatoly PROKUSHKIN, Oleg POKROVSKY, Anatoly KIRDYANOV, François CHABAUX, and Priscia OLIVA
EGU2010-12805 Comparing the silica pathways through small agricultural and forested catchments. Wim Clymans, Elisabeth Frot, Gerard Govers, Eric Struyf, Adriaan Smis, Stefan Vandamme, Bas Van Wesemael, and Patrick Meire
EGU2010-13263 Weathering processes revealed by seasonal variations in stable isotope ratios in rivers: The example of Mg Edward Tipper, Emmanuel Lemarchand, Ruth Hindshaw, Ben Reynolds, and Bernard Bourdon