Attendance Time: Thursday, 6 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Rolf Aalto, Andreas Krein, and John Quinton
EGU2010-1900 Pitfalls in estimating past sedimentation rate in floodplains of aggrading rivers Tomas Grygar, Tereza Novakova, Ivo Svetlik, Martin Mihaljevic, and Zdenek Macka
EGU2010-15067 Reconstruction of eroded and deposited sediment volumes in the floodplains of the embanked River Waal, the Netherlands, for the period 1650 - 1850 AD Noortje Hobo, Bart Makaske, and Hans Middelkoop
EGU2010-13094 Old sediment in young rivers- a multiple cosmogenic nuclide study in the Amazon basin Hella Wittmann, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, Laurence Maurice, Jean-Loup Guyot, and Peter Kubik
EGU2010-2496 Riverine sediment-associated metal concentrations in the urban tropics: a case study from Singapore James Rothwell and Wan Aik Lee
EGU2010-11189 Modeling of the Contaminated Sediment in the Erft River Wei Hu, Bernhard Westrich, and Michael Rode
EGU2010-8674 Quantifying the in-channel retention of cohesive sediments during artificial flood events using FTIR-DRIFT spectrometry A. Kurtenbach, T. Gallé, K. Buis, R. De Sutter, P. Troch, B. Eisold, R. Bierl, and W. Symader
EGU2010-6674 Transient response in longitudinal grain size to reduced sediment supply in a large river Michael Singer
EGU2010-2805 Enhancing the magnetism of soil: the answer to soil tracing? Alona Armstrong, Barbara Maher, and John Quinton
EGU2010-11767 Sediment routing modelling: The use of FLUVIAL-12 to evaluate and re-design flushing flows in the lower Ebro. A. Tena, M.B Singer, and R. J. Batalla
EGU2010-3129 Transport of suspended sediment and organic carbon during storm events in a large agricultural catchment, southwest France. Oeurng Chantha, Sauvage Sabine, Baqué David, Coynel Alexandra, Maneux Eric, Etcheber Henri, and Sánchez-Pérez José-Miguel
EGU2010-1247 Applying biofilm analysis for detecting mobility or stability of gravel bed channel stretches Achim A. Beylich and Dorothea Gintz
EGU2010-6862 Investigations into Rare Earth Oxide Use and Behaviour Owen Pryce
EGU2010-252 Use of rare earth oxides and iron oxides as soil erosion tracers in water erosion experiments at hillslope scale G. Guzmán, J.C. Cañasveras, V. Barrón, H. Boulal, H. Gómez, E. Conde, M. Fernández, and J.A. Gómez
Using Nanotechnology to Identify and Characterize Hydrological Flowpaths(withdrawn) Asha Sharma, Dan Luo, and M. Todd Walter
Groundwater and Human Controls on the Suspended Sediment Load of Na Borges River, Mallorca (Spain)(withdrawn) JOAN ESTRANY and CELSO GARCIA
EGU2010-14228 Thinking large - development of a methodology for improving quantification of tagged and traced intertidal boulders. Larissa Naylor, Wayne Stephenson, and Andrew Cowley