Attendance Time: Friday, 7 May 2010, 10:30–12:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Andrea Festa
EGU2010-1770 Structure of the central Taiwan thrust belt from new surface mapping Dennis Brown and Joaquina Alvarez-Marron
EGU2010-1773 Illuminating the deep structure of the central Taiwan thrust belt using seisimic energy release Dennis Brown, Martin Schimmel, Joaquina Alvarez-Marron, and Yih-Min Wu
Arcuate Fold-Thrust Systems: Fact or Artefact?(withdrawn) Robert Hall, Mark Anderson, and Matthew Watkinson
EGU2010-2211 deducing large-scale listric normal faults geometries from analysis of minor structures fabrizio nigro, pietro renda, and rocco favara
EGU2010-3872 Salt Tectonics in the Kuqa Foreland fold and thrust belt, Tarim basin, northwest China Jianghai LI, Haiyan CHENG, Kai WANG, and Gang DENG
EGU2010-4966 Along-strike variations of structural styles in the imbricated Molasse of Salzburg and Upper Austria: a 3-D seismic perspective Ralph Hinsch and Hans-Gert Linzer
EGU2010-5111 Complex structural architecture of the Sierning Fold-and-Thrust segment, Northern Alpine Foreland Basin, Austria: kinematics and deformation controlling factors Ralph Hinsch
EGU2010-5257 Imbricate stacking on a highly oblique ramp, but no antiformal culmination - the Dundonnell sector of the Caledonian Moine Thrust Belt, Northwest Highlands of Scotland. Graham Leslie, Maarten Krabbendam, and Kathryn Goodenough
EGU2010-6316 Geometry of growth strata in a transpressive fold belt in field and analogue model: Gosau Group at Muttekopf, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria Hugo Ortner, Andreas Kositz, Ernst Willingshofer, and Dimitrios Sokoutis
EGU2010-7398 Mud Diapir Structures in Southwest of Taiwan Ching-hui Yu and Yuan-Hsi Lee
EGU2010-10469 Characterising finite strain patterns using AMS across a foreland ‘cleavage' front from the Variscides of southern Ireland. Patrick Meere, Chloe Parker, Carl Stevenson, and Kieran Mulchrone
EGU2010-10776 Structural Transfer Zones in the Foothills Belt, Western Taiwan Kenn-Ming Yang, Shiuh-Tsann Huang, Jong-Chang Wu, Hsin-Hsiu Ting, Wen-Wei Mei, and Jar-Ben Wang
EGU2010-10825 Transition from external imbricate zone to foreland thrust sheet in the Caledonides, N. Scandinavia A. H. N. Rice
EGU2010-10968 The role of the Salon-Cavaillon fault in the structural framework of Provence region (SE France) Stéphane MOLLIEX, Olivier BELLIER, Monique TERRIER, Juliette LAMARCHE, Guillaume MARTELET, and Nicolas ESPURT