Attendance Time: Monday, 3 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
EGU2010-13245 Petrophysical properties of granite from the Melechov Massif, Czech Republic Martin Stanek, Stanislav Ulrich, and Yves Geraud
EGU2010-10992 Mechanical stratigraphy of deep-water sandstones: insights from a multisciplinary field and laboratory study Fabrizio Agosta, Claudio Di Celma, Emanuele Tondi, Amerigo Corradetti, and Gino Cantalamessa
EGU2010-5065 Damage and cracking of synthetic and natural glasses subjected to triaxial deformation Audrey Ougier-Simonin, Jérôme Fortin, Yves Guéguen, Alexandre Schubnel, and Frédéric Bouyer
EGU2010-5740 The Role of Cation Vacancies in Forming Minerals in the Atmosphere Anatoly Mashukov, Victor Onufrienok, and Alla Mashukova
EGU2010-6411 Borehole Deformation and Failure in Anisotropic Media Oliver Gaede, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, and David Lumley
EGU2010-8535 Relevance of pore fluid composition for the drained strength of clays
Giovanni Spagnoli, Tomás Fernández-Steeger, Christian Arnhardt, Helge Stanjek, Rafig Azzam, and Martin Feinendegen
EGU2010-10111 On the origin of power-law rheology during the evolution of damage Yusuke Kawada, Mark Naylor, Sarah Touati, and Ian Main
EGU2010-10795 Numerical simulation of the experiment on the measurement of salt creep Shiyuan Li, Steffen Abe, and Janos L. Urai
EGU2010-2284 Influence of temperature and water on subcritical crack growth in sandstone Yoshitaka Nara, Tetsuro Yoneda, and Katsuhiko Kaneko
EGU2010-7401 Identification of crack initiation and damage thresholds in Hwangdeung granite in Korea and a new technique for crack damage threshold determination Bo-An Jang and Hyun-Sic Jang
EGU2010-12076 Mechanical stratigraphy in carbonate rocks: examples from the Maiella Mountain (central Italy) and the Granada Basin (southern Spain) Andrea Rustichelli, Emanuele Tondi, and Fabrizio Agosta
Modelling fracture in amorphous materials: from brittle to ductile cracking(withdrawn)
Clara Picallo, Juan M. Lopez, Stefano Zapperi, and Mikko J. Alava
EGU2010-1535 Anisotropy of thermal conductivity of a gneiss- experiments and models Nina Gegenhuber and Jürgen H. Schoen
EGU2010-8915 Integrated electric and magnetic pore fabrics of the Nubia sandstones in south Egypt Bassem Nabawy, Rochette Pierre, and Yves Géraud
EGU2010-15717 Comparison of fracture roughness and acoustic emissions statistics from triaxial deformation of rocks Jean Schmittbuhl, Michael John Heap, Patrick Baud, and Philip George Meredith