Attendance Time: Friday, 7 May 2010, 10:30–12:00
Chairperson: Jürg Schweizer
09:00 - 09:45: Poster Summaries and Discussion (room to be announced)
Halls X/Y
EGU2010-9767 Snow creep: A new and simple observation method and first calculations Reinhard Fromm and Peter Höller
EGU2010-8185 Detection of movements in the basal layer of the seasonal snow cover by means of inclination data loggers, Cuiña Cirque, Sierra de Ancares (Northwestern Spain). Pedro Carrera-Gómez, Marcos Valcarcel, and Ramón Blanco-Chao
EGU2010-12848 Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing in Avalanche Research Michaela Woerndl, S. W. Tyler, C. E. Hatch, J. Dozier, and A. Prokop
EGU2010-12217 Estimate of snow density knowing grain and share hardness Mauro Valt, Paola Cianfarra, Anselmo Cagnati, Igor Chiambretti, and Daniele Moro
EGU2010-11743 In-situ measurement of the mechanical energy associated with crack growth in weak snowpack layers and determination of the fracture energy. Alec van Herwijnen and Joachim Heierli
EGU2010-15506 Present weather sensors tests for measuring drifting snow Hervé Bellot, Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Alexandre Trouvilliez, and Christophe Genthon
EGU2010-8183 Implementation of a blowing snow scheme in a meso-scale atmospheric model Vincent Vionnet, Eric Martin, Eric Brun, Christine Lac, Valéry Masson, and Yves Durand
EGU2010-14424 A new methodology for positioning and dimensioning snow fences in alpine terrain Alexander Prokop and Emily Procter
EGU2010-3366 Snow cover: a potential disturbance factor on forest stability Davide Viglietti, Margherita Maggioni, Antoine Brulport, Michele Freppaz, and Ermanno Zanini
EGU2010-12644 Recent snow cover variation and avalanche activity in the Italian southern Alps Mauro Valt and Paola Cianfarra
EGU2010-15603 Characterization of the artificially triggered avalanches in the MonterosaSki resort (North-western Italian Alps) Margherita Maggioni, A. Brulport, M. Freppaz, A. Welf, and R. Purves
EGU2010-10535 Infrasound monitoring of snow avalanches in the Italian Alps
Maurizio Ripepe, Giacomo Ulivieri, Emanuele Marchetti, Igor Chiambretti, Valerio Segor, and Luca Pitet
EGU2010-13941 Seismic signal of avalanches Damiano Pesaresi, Xavier Ravanat, and Emmanuel Thibert
Characterizing avalanches occurred in the 2009-2010 winter seasons in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto regions in North-eastern Italy with seismic stations(withdrawn) Damiano Pesaresi, Daniele Moro, and Mauro Valt
EGU2010-12195 Two models for the automatic susceptibility mapping of snow avalanches over very large regions Marc-Henri Derron, Pascal Horton, and Michel Jaboyedoff
EGU2010-227 Mapping and evaluation of snow avalanche risk using GIS technique in Rodnei National Park Adrian Covăsnianu, Ioan-Răducu Grigoraş, Liliana-Elena Covăsnianu, Iulian Iordache, and Daniela Balin
EGU2010-8620 Evaluating terrain based criteria for snow avalanche exposure ratings using GIS Donna Delparte, Bruce Jamieson, and Nigel Waters
EGU2010-13989 A new experimental site for the study of snow avalanches in the Aosta Valley (NW-Italy) Valerio Segor, Monica Barbero, Fabrizio Barpi, Mauro Borri Brunetto, Eloise Bovet, Antoine Brulport, Elisabetta Ceaglio, Bernardino Chiaia, Daniele Fassin, Michele Freppaz, Barbara Frigo, Danilo Godone, Margherita Maggioni, Oronzo Pallara, Franco Torretta, Davide Viglietti, and Arnoldo Welf
EGU2010-10712 Monitoring of Taconnaz avalanche path: pressure and velocity measurements on breaking mounds Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Mohamed Naaim, Hervé Bellot, Frederic Ousset, Frederic Marine, Paolo Caccamo, and Thierry Faug
EGU2010-2467 Estimating impact force of granular avalanche on obstacles by DEM Harald Teufelsbauer, Yongqi Wang, Markus Wawra, and Wei Wu
EGU2010-10623 Modelling snow avalanches dynamics by Cellular Automata: a case study in Davos (Swiss Alps)
Alessia Errera, Paolo Mazzanti, Maria Vittoria Avolio, Dieter Issler, Valeria Lupiano, and Salvatore Di Gregorio
EGU2010-10631 Small-scale laboratory tests on granular avalanches around an obstacle Paolo Caccamo, Benoît Chanut, Thierry Faug, Hervé Bellot, and Florence Naaim-Bouvet
EGU2010-9858 Multiphase computational study of water waves generated by a rapid mass movement of low density Mohamed Naaim