/ Attendance Wed, 05 May, 17:30–19:00
/ Poster Area BG
Attendance Time: Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Poster Area BG
Chairperson: Sebastiaan Luyssaert & Paul Stoy
What can we learn from long-term CO2 exchange residuals?(withdrawn) Sebastiaan Luyssaert
EGU2010-9566 Net Ecosystem Exchange and Net Biome Productivity of different land use in eastern Germany Thomas Grünwald, Anne-Katrin Prescher, and Christian Bernhofer
EGU2010-9914 Long term carbon dioxide exchange above a mixed forest in the Belgian Ardennes: evaluation of different approaches to deduce total ecosystem respiration from Eddy covariance measurements Elisabeth Jérôme, Marc Aubinet, and Bernard Heinesch
EGU2010-4328 Effects of regional differences in the long term carbon balance on predicted net CO2 fluxes Tilo Ziehn, Marko Scholze, and Wolfgang Knorr
EGU2010-14353 Impact of climate anomalies on CO2 and H2O fluxes of a temperate Scots pine forest. Bert Gielen, Johan Neirynck, and Ivan Janssens
EGU2010-11264 Carbon uptake before and after the felling of an Eucalyptus forest Gabriel Pita, Abel Rodrigues, Joao Mateus, and Joao Santos Pereira
Carbon sequestration in a Cork oak forest(withdrawn) Filipe Costa e Silva, Alzira Ramos, and João Santos Pereira
EGU2010-6297 Effect of grazing and canopy on Mediterranean ecosystem functioning: Carbon dioxide exchange and the dynamics of carbon and nutrient pools Heydar Mirzaei, John Tenhunen, Zaman Hossein, Yuelin Li, and Dennis Otieno
EGU2010-9503 Sensitivity of Simulated Ecosystem Fluxes to Meteorological Forcings : A case study for 6 eddy covariance sites in France Yan zhao, Philippe Peylin, Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Viovy, André Granier, jean-christophe calvet, PIs of Sites, and Fabienne Maignan
EGU2010-12766 Addressing the carbon cycle steady state assumption: learning from multiple constraints approaches Nuno Carvalhais, Markus Reichstein, G. James Collatz, Miguel D. Mahecha, Leonardo Montagnani, Dario Papale, Serge Rambal, and Julia Seixas
EGU2010-10755 Modeling LAI and leaf nitrogen control on carbon fluxes in agricultural and beech forest ecosystems Chenrui Wang, Eva Bøgh, Ebba Dellwik, Kirsten Schelde, and Henrik Søgaard
EGU2010-14152 Modelling Seasonal Carbon Dynamics on Fen Peatlands Michael Giebels, Madlen Beyer, Jürgen Augustin, Mario Roppel, Radoszlav Juszczak, and Tomasz Serba
EGU2010-11017 On the evaluation of a terrestrial biosphere model on different time scales using eddy covariance observations Tao Wang
EGU2010-11258 Change in winter snow depth and its impacts on vegetation in China Shushi Peng, Shilong Piao, and Philippe Ciais
EGU2010-13705 Implications of plant acclimation for future climate-carbon cycle feedbacks Lina Mercado, Jens Kattge, Peter Cox, Stephen Sitch, Wolfgang Knorr, Jon Lloyd, and Chris Huntingford
EGU2010-1926 Biophysical analysis of plant gas exchange and reconstruction of palaeoclimate
Wilfried Konrad, Anita Roth-Nebelsick, and Michaela Grein
Global methane emission estimates from UV irradiation of terrestrial plant foliage(withdrawn) Anthony Bloom, Julia Lee-Taylor, Sasha Madronich, David Messenger, Paul Palmer, David Reay, and Andy McLeod
EGU2010-12376 Rhizosphere activity and methane oxidation in a temperate forest soil Catherine S. Moody, Jens-Arne Subke, Naomi R. Voke, Robert D. Holden, Phil Ineson, and Yit Arn Teh
EGU2010-13108 Investigating Nitrous Oxide Fluxes along a Harvested Red Spruce Forest Chronosequence Kristie Mahoney and Lisa Kellman
EGU2010-10058 Site scale to regional N2O emissions estimates - comparison between two terrestrial ecosystem model, O-CN and CERES-EGC Vincent Prieur, Simon Lehuger, Franck Chaumartin, and Soenke Zaehle
EGU2010-14886 Using the ecosys mathematical model to simulate topographic effects on spatial variability of nitrous oxide emissions from a fertilized agricultural field K.A. Metivier, R. Grant, and E. Pattey