Attendance Time: Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: Angelo Camerlenghi and Berit Hjelstuen
EGU2010-3673 Tectonics and ice sheet dynamics of West Antarctic margins Karsten Gohl
EGU2010-7848 Bottom water production variability in the Ross Sea slope during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene as revealed by benthic foraminifera and sediment geochemistry Leonardo Langone, Alessandra Asioli, Fabio Tateo, Federico Giglio, Domenico Ridente, Vito Summa, Anna Carraro, Maria Luigia Giannossi, Andrea Piva, and Fabio Trincardi
EGU2010-8277 Holocene laminated biogenic mud in Wood Bay (western Ross Sea, Antarctica): geochemical data and preliminary paleoclimatic interpretation.
Ester Colizza, Furio Finocchiaro, Federico Giglio, Gerhard Kuhn, Leonardo Langone, and Massimo Presti
EGU2010-13404 Indication of early East Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat at the end of the last glacial - a Weddell Sea perspective Michael Weber, Gerhard Kuhn, and Werner Ricken
EGU2010-1870 Cenozoic Sedimentation Processes off the Adelie Coast (Wilkes Land, East Antarctica) Massimo Presti, Loic Barbara, Delphine Denis, Sabine Schmidt, Xavier Crosta, and Laura De Santis
EGU2010-2400 Seismic stratigraphy of the East Antarctic margin: a record of Cenozoic environmental changes German Leychenkov and Julia Guseva
EGU2010-2712 Changing currents and climate in the Amundsen Sea Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben and Karsten Gohl
EGU2010-3176 Ice sheet variations in the western Amundsen Sea Embayment as depicted in seismic data
Estella Weigelt, Karsten Gohl, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, and Rob Larter
EGU2010-15321 Dating and Recognition of Major Glaciations Events - Evidence from Unglaciated Continental Margins Luiz Antonio Pierantoni Gamboa, Armando Scarparo, Claudemir Severiano de Vasconcelos, and João Trindade Rodrigues de Freitas
EGU2010-1223 Late glacial dynamics on the continental shelf of NE-Greenland - implications from submarine landforms Daniel Winkelmann, Wilfried Jokat, Laura Jensen, and Hans-Werner Schenke
EGU2010-494 Late Quaternary glacial/ interglacial regimes at the East Siberian Sea continental margin: reconstructions based on sedimentary records from the Mendeleev Ridge Evgenia Bazhenova and Ruediger Stein
EGU2010-5274 Seafloor Morphology And Sediment Discharge Of The Storfjorden And Kveithola Palaeo-Ice Streams (NW Barents Sea) During The Last Deglaciation Angelo Camerlenghi, Michele Rebesco, Mayte Pedrosa, Ben DeMol, Renata Giulia Lucchi, Roger Urgeles, Elena Colmenero-Hidalgo, Karin Andreassen, Jan Sverre Laberg, and Monica Winsborrow
EGU2010-4371 Last deglaciation of the Svalbard/Barents Sea Ice Sheet - a swath bathymetric and sub-bottom seismic study from the Kveithola Trough Michele Rebesco, Yanguang Liu, Angelo Camerlenghi, Monica Winsborrow, Jan Sverre Laberg, Andrea Caburlotto, Paolo Diviacco, Daniela Accettella, Chiara Sauli, and Nigel Wardell
EGU2010-8755 The southern Svalbard Margin sedimentary system: preliminary results from EGLACOM cruise 2008
Romana Melis, Renata G. Lucchi, Giovanna Giorgetti, Davide Persico, Maria Ángeles Bárcena, Andrea Caburlotto, Patrizia Macrì, Giuliana Villa, Leonardo Sagnotti, and Michele Rebesco
EGU2010-15504 Thin-skined and giant submarine landslides on the southern Storfjorden Trough Mouth Fan (Barents Sea) Chiara Sauli, Michele Rebesco, Angelo Camerlenghi, Roger Urgeles, Paolo Diviacco, Ben De Mol, Accettella Daniela, Yanguang Liu, and Renata Lucchi
EGU2010-8876 Sedimentary response to ice stream advance and retreat on the Storfjorden Trough Mouth Fan (NW Barents Sea), during Late Weichselian Mayte Pedrosa, Angelo Camerlengui, Ben De Mol, Renata.G Lucchi, Roger Úrgeles, Michele Rebesco, Monica Winsborrow, Jan.S Laberg, Karin Andreassen, and Daniela Accettella
EGU2010-9118 New deglacial and Holocene micropaleontological and geochemical records from the southern margin of the Svalbard Archipelago (Arctic Ocean) Andrés Rigual-Hernández and the Co-authors
EGU2010-3412 Sediment transport and dynamics of marine ice streams: new evidence from 3D seismic data Karin Andreassen and Monica Winsborrow
EGU2010-6960 Large scale switching of ice stream flow and trough mouth fan deposition outside Kongsfjorden, Svalbard Rune Mattingsdal and Karin Andreassen
EGU2010-4854 Grounding zone system in outer Bjørnøyrenna, Barents Sea - constraints on its genesis and timing Denise Ruther, Karin Andreassen, Matthias Forwick, and Katrine Husum
EGU2010-9904 The character of the glaciated Mid-Norwegian continental margin Berit Oline Hjelstuen, Haflidi Haflidason, and Hans Petter Sejrup
EGU2010-1444 On the glacial erosion of the south-western Barents Sea shelf Jan Sverre Laberg, Karin Andreassen, and Tore O. Vorren