EGU2010-3418 ATLAS - A new Lagrangian chemistry and transport model: First results from stratospheric chemistry runs Ingo Wohltmann, Markus Rex, and Ralph Lehmann
EGU2010-3749 The effects of year-to-year variability and trends in stratospheric climate on the chemistry driving ozone depletion Laura Revell, Greg Bodeker, Petra Huck, and Bryce Williamson
EGU2010-5210 Evaluation of chemistry-climate model SOCOL version 3.0 Martin Schraner, Andrea Stenke, Eugene Rozanov, Patricia Heckendorn, and Thomas Peter
EGU2010-7925 The evolution of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation from 1960-2100 in simulations with the Chemistry Climate Model EMAC Sophie Oberländer, Ulrike Langematz, Anne Kubin, Janna Abalichin, Stefanie Meul, Patrick Jöckel, and Christoph Brühl
EGU2010-8411 The evolution of stratospheric ozone from 1960-2100 in simulations with the Chemistry-Climate-Model EMAC Stefanie Meul, Ulrike Langematz, Anne Kubin, Janna Abalichin, Sophie Oberländer, Patrick Jöckel, and Christoph Brühl
EGU2010-12584 4D-var assimilation of CRISTA-NF H2O and MLS retrievals with the high resolution SACADA system Ketevan Kasradze, Hendrik Elbern, and Jörg Schwinger
EGU2010-13011 Is there a (multi-) decadal variability in the number of sudden stratospheric warmings? Semjon Schimanke, Thomas Spangehl, Janina Körper, and Ulrich Cubasch
EGU2010-4148 Impact of warm ENSO events on the QBO in the tropics using MAECHAM5 simulations. Natalia Calvo, Marco A. Giorgetta, and Cristina Peña-Ortiz
EGU2010-10332 The QBO modulation of the SAO Cristina Peña, Hauke Schmidt, Marco Giorgetta, Martin Keller, and Natalia Calvo
EGU2010-10435 On the dynamical evolution of the polar stratosphere after the vortex breakdown Rémi Thiéblemont, Nathalie Huret, and Alain Hauchecorne
EGU2010-14290 The solar cycle response in WACCM-3 transient simulations Gabriel Chiodo, Ricardo Garcia Herrera, and Natalia Calvo
EGU2010-11630 Iberulites and meteorological formation conditions Jose Luis Díaz-Hernández