
Poster Programme HS5.6


Water quality modeling: from research tools to information systems for stakeholders and managers
Convener: Nicolas Flipo  | Co-Convener: Laurent Martin 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 06 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 39
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 06 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Display Wed, 06 Apr, 08:00–19:30  / Hall A
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD107 

Display time: Wednesday, 6 April, 2011 08:00–19:30
Attendance Time: Wednesday, 6 April 2011, 15:30–17:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Nicolas Flipo & Laurent Martin
In situ continuous real-time monitoring and 3D modelling of hydrodynamics and eutrophication in the Berre Lagoon (France) Press & Media
Emma Gouze, Laurent Martin, Nathalie Durand, Jean-Michel Hervouet, Chi-Tuan Pham, Emile Razafindrakoto, and Agnès Bourret

Combining geostatistics and process-based water quality model to improve estimation along a stream network. Example of dissolved oxygen in the Seine River from the Greater Paris to its estuary. Press & Media
Edwige Polus, Nicolas Flipo, Chantal de Fouquet, and Michel Poulin

EGU2011-12441 | presentation
Combined use of physically based models and geostatistics to understand microbial contamination in the Thau lagoon (France)
Nicolas Jeannée, Annie Fiandrino, Valérie Derolez, and Ophélie Serais

EGU2011-13483 | presentation
Restoration of seagrass meadows in the Berre lagoon needs scientific understanding of local hydro-sedimentary processes
Guillaume Bernard and Philippe Picon

How summarize ecological status for an operational model Pressures/States ?
Nathalie Lalande, Flavie Cernesson, Stéphane Dray, Marie-George Tournoud, Thierry Tormos, and Pascal Kosuth

A simplified model for a warning system of harmful algal blooms in lakes, application to Grangent reservoir (France)
Bruno J. Lemaire, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Emna Sellami, Briac Le Vu, Sophie Potin, Dimitri Couturier, Jean-François Humbert, Catherine Quiblier, Catherine Freissinet, and Michel Calzas and the Proliphyc_Grangent

Assessment of complex aquifers using GIS tools: an evolution overview of the Campo de Dalias (SE Spain)
Dolorinda Daniele, Antonio Pulido-Bosch, and Angela Vallejos

The extended statistical entropy analysis: a quantitative evaluation tool to support decision making; case study: wastewater treatment plants
Alicja Sobantka, Helmut Rechberger, and Mathias Zessner

Extended statistical entropy analysis for improving benchmarking of wastewater treatment plants
Alicja Sobantka, Helmut Rechberger, Stefan Lindtner, and Mathias Zessner

Modeling of the On Site Gravel Contact Oxidation Process
Karen Lin and Ching-Pin Tung

Numerical simulation of density stratification in the solution of the problem of selective water intake from reservoirs
Tatyana Lyubimova, Anatoly Lepikhin, Yanina Parshakova, Alexey Tiunov, Vladimir Konovalov, and Natalya Shumilova

A311 EGU2011-5829
Letsmap do Brasil - a web-based planning support tool for sediment management in river basins of Western Central Brazil (withdrawn)
Carsten Lorz, Fabio Bakker, Christine Fürst, Henrique Llacer Roig, and Franz Makeschin

Water quality in urban lakes: From continuous monitoring to forecasting. Application to cyanobacteria dynamics in Lake Enghien (France).
Talita Silva, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Bruno J. Lemaire, Briac Le Vu, Catherine Quiblier, François Prévot, Catherine Freissinet, Michel Calzas, Yves Dégrés, and Bruno Tassin

A313 EGU2011-12467
Geostatistical modeling of sediments quality upstream river dams (withdrawn)
Nicolas Jeannée, Rayna Charlatchka, Jean-Louis Bouchet, Claire Faucheux, and Eve Delahaye