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Oral Programme SSP3.3


Reconstructing redox conditions from sedimentary records – an interdisciplinary approach (sponsored by IAS)
Convener: Christian März 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 41
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Hall A

Thursday, 26 April 2012
Room 41
Toward a quantitative reconstruction of hypoxia from varve records in the large perialpin Lake Bourget over the last 150 years
J.-P. Jenny, F. Arnaud, J.M. Dorioz, C. Giguet Covex, V. Frossard, P. Sabatier, L. Millet, J.L. Reyss, K. Tachikawa, O. Romeyer, C. Pignol, E. Mallet, and M.E. Perga
Holocene History of the Mediterranean Inflow and Its Influence on Formation of the Channel Network Complex and Redox Conditions in the Istanbul Strait Outlet Area of the Black Sea
Z. Erdem, M.N. Çağatay, E. Damci, B.U. Ülgen, M. Holtappels, and A. Lichtschlag
Evolution of deep-water redox conditions in the NW African upwelling system during the last glacial and deglaciation: implications for the deep ocean circulation. Press & Media
D. Gallego-Torres, O. Romero, F. Martinez-Ruiz, K. Jung-Hyun, B. Donner, and M. Ortega-Huertas
Improved paleoenvironmental interpretations at the intersection between paleontology and biogeochemistry (solicited) Press & Media
T. W. Lyons
Varying bottom water oxygenation during deposition of organic-rich, bioclastic carbonates on a southern Tethys ramp (lower-middle Eocene, Tunisia)
A. Jimenez Berrocoso, S. Bodin, and J. Wood