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Oral Programme HS4.4


Drought and water scarcity: hydrological monitoring, modeling and forecasting
Convener: Elena Toth  | Co-Conveners: Giuseppe Tito Aronica , Jürgen Vogt , Athanasios Loukas 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 39
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Room 39
Chairperson: Jürgen Vogt
Drought, Water Scarcity and Climate Change (solicited)
H.A.J. van Lanen, L.M. Tallaksen, K. Stahl, A.F. van Loon, M.H.J. van Huijgevoort, G.A. Corzo Perez, and N. Wanders
Model comparison for climate change impact prediction: does complexity actually matter?
M. Souvignet, S. Penedo, A. Künne, P. Krause, W. A. Flügel, and J. E. Freer
Skill of global hydrological forecasting system FEWS GLOWASIS using climatic ESP forecasts
A.H. Weerts, N. Candogan, H.C. Winsemius, R van Beek, and R. Westerhoff
16:15–16:30 EGU2012-11713
SPI-based probabilistic analysis of drought areal extent in Europe (withdrawn)
A. Cancelliere, B. Bonaccorso, D.J. Peres, and G. Rossi
EGU2012-5965 | presentation
Low flows in France and their relationship to large scale climate indices
I. Giuntoli, B. Renard, J.-P. Vidal, and A. Bard
Forecasting the impact of global changes on the water resources of a mountainous catchment in the Chilean Andes
D. Ruelland, C. Campéon, A. Dezetter, and H. Jourde