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Oral Programme CL1.16/AS4.1/BG2.12/IG15


Biogeochemistry of Atmospheric Methane: Isotopes to Models (co-organized)
Co-Convener: Michael Bock 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 13
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall Z

Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Room 13
Chairperson: Todd Sowers
Multidecadal variability and the Inter Polar Gradient of atmospheric methane in the late Holocene
L. Mitchell, E. Brook, T. Sowers, and J. Lee
EGU2012-9540 | presentation
The Ice-core Record of Atmospheric Methane: Chemistry-Climate Interactions on Tens to Thousands of Years (solicited)
J. G. Levine, E. W. Wolff, A. E. Jones, M. A. Hutterli, L. C. Sime, O. Wild, P. O. Hopcroft, P. J. Valdes, A. T. Archibald, G. D. Carver, N. J. Warwick, and J. A. Pyle
Two decades of stable carbon isotope measurements in atmospheric methane - what do they tell us about global methane budget changes?
I. Levin, G. Brailsford, T. Bromley, E. Dlugokencky, R. Fisher, R. Heinz, D. Lowe, D. Lowry, J.B. Miller, E. Nisbet, C. Poß, B.H. Vaughn, C. Veidt, and J.W.C. White
Global sources and sinks of methane and the use of satellite measurements (solicited)
S. Houweling
Climate and CO2 control on emissions and ecosystem composition of global methane sources over the last 160,000 years derived from δ13CH4 in ice cores
L. Möller, T. Sowers, M. Bock, R. Spahni, M. Behrens, J. Schmitt, H. Miller, and H. Fischer
Continuous Methane and Carbon Monoxide Concentration Measurements along the NEEM Core (solicited)
J. Chappellaz, T. Blunier, X. Faïn, C. Stowasser, V. Gkinis, E. Brook, R. Rhodes, J. McConnell, S. Schüpbach, J. Rosen, R. Dallmayr, O. Pascual, and M. Bigler