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Poster Programme BG4.2


Glacial retreat: implications for microbial ecology and biogeochemistry
Convener: Tom J. Battin  | Co-Convener: Birgit Sattler 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area BG

Attendance Time: Monday, 23 April 2012, 17:30–19:00
Poster Area BG
EGU2012-9240 | presentation
Microbial diversity and biogeochemistry in glacier forefields: assessment of ecological stability in high alpine environments
M. Meola, A. Lazzaro, and J. Zeyer

Microbial biodiversity of the vanishing cryosphere in the Alps
L. Wilhelm, K. Besemer, G. Singer, and T. J. Battin

Ancient soil organic carbon in glaciers supports downstream metabolism in the European Alps
C. Fasching, G. Singer, P. Steier, J. Niggemann, T. Dittmar, and T.J. Battin

BG73 EGU2012-7479
Carbon and Nitrogen fixation at the surface of Glaciers and Ice Sheets (withdrawn)
A.M. Anesio, J. Telling, M. Tranter, A. Hodson, J. Cook, M. Stibal, M. Yallop, G. Barker, C. Bellas, and J. Wadham

BG74 EGU2012-11978
Microbial diversity and activity along the forefield of a receding glacier (withdrawn)
B. Frey

Biogeochemistry of glacial runoff along the Gulf of Alaska
E. Hood, D. Scott, A. Vermilyea, A. Stubbins, P. Raymond, and R. Spencer

Laser Induced Fluorescence Emission (L.I.F.E.): In Situ Non-Destructive Detection of Microbial Life on Supraglacial Environments
B. Sattler, M. Tilg, M. Storrie-Lombardi, D. Remias, and R. Psenner

Shift in prokaryotic diversity in Arctic sediment along a continuum Glacier -River - Fjord using massive 16S rRNA gene tag sequencing
M. Laghdass, J. Deloffre, R. Lafite, C. Hänni, B. Gillet, S. Cecillon, P. Simonet, and F. Petit