AS1.21 Quantitative precipitation forecasting in complex terrain: Results of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) and other campaigns (co-sponsored by the World Weather Research Program of the WMO) |
Convener: Volker Wulfmeyer | Co-Conveners: Andreas Behrendt , Paolo Di Girolamo , Manfred Dorninger , Mathias Rotach |
Oral Programme
/ Tue, 24 Apr, 10:30–12:00
/ Room 7
Poster Programme
/ Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00
/ Hall X/Y
Description: This session is dealing with recent results achieved within the scope of WWRP projects such as the Research and Development Project
COPS and the Forecast Demonstration Project D-PHASE. Research topics are:
- the role of land-surface exchange on the temporal-spatial structure of convection initiation
- ABL structure in complex terrain
- aerosol-cloud-precipitation microphysics in complex terrain
- key processes leading to convection initiation
- the organisation and lifetime of convection
- predictive skill of forecast systems particularly on the convection-permitting scale
- probabilistic QPF based on variational and ensemble-based data assimilation
- key observing systems and networks in complex terrain.