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Oral Programme AS1.21


Quantitative precipitation forecasting in complex terrain: Results of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) and other campaigns (co-sponsored by the World Weather Research Program of the WMO)
Convener: Volker Wulfmeyer  | Co-Conveners: Andreas Behrendt , Paolo Di Girolamo , Manfred Dorninger , Mathias Rotach 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 7
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Room 7
Chairperson: V. Wulfmeyer
COPS science questions revisited: What have we learned so far from COPS? (solicited) Press & Media
A. Behrendt, V. Wulfmeyer, Ch. Kottmeier, E. Richard, M. Dorninger, P. Di Girolamo, U. Corsmeier, N. Kalthoff, and H.-S. Bauer
Dry and moist convective cells in the convective boundary layer over a Black Forest summit - synergetic effect of combined in situ and remote sensing observations
N. Kalthoff, S. Späth, K. Träumner, A. Wieser, J. Handwerker, F. Madonna, and A. Behrendt
Detailed flow, hydrometeor and lightning characteristics of an isolated thunderstorm during COPS
K. Schmidt, M. Hagen, H. Höller, E. Richard, and H. Volkert
EGU2012-10768 | presentation
The role of orography in the regeneration of convection: A case study from the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study
V. Smith, S. Mobbs, R. Burton, M. Hobby, F. Aoshima, V. Wulfmeyer, P. Di Girolamo, R. Bhawar, and E. Norton
Assimilation of water vapor lidar observations: impact study on the COPS precipitation forecasts and hindcasts
E. Richard, S. Bielli, M. Grzeschik, C. Flamant, C. Kiemle, and M. Dorninger
On the uncertainty of verification measures by reference data
M. Dorninger and T. Gorgas