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GM5.1 - Aeolian Processes and Landforms
Convener: Joanna Nield 
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 14:30–15:15  / Room 40

Aeolian geomorphology covers a wide spectrum of research from the small scale study of processes in the field or laboratory to modelling projects predicting long-term dune field evolution. This session aims to facilitate discussions between a diverse group of researchers that study wind-blown sediment (both sand and dust) and associated bedforms in a range of environments, from coastal and semi-arid regions, to hyper arid deserts. During this session discussions will be led by key poster authors will outline their current research as it relates to three main themes:
a) Approaches to sediment transport measurements and modelling
b) Dune dynamics
c) Multi-approaches for dune reconstruction