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G4.1 - Gravity field research - data acquisition - processing and - interpretation
Convener: Bruno Meurers  | Co-Conveners: Mikhail Kaban , Hans-Jürgen Götze , Carla Braitenberg 
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 12:15–13:00  / Room SM1

- Short introduction of poster presentations
- Opportunity to continue oral session discussion

Public information: Currently, the following poster contributions will be briefly introduced in PSD13.2, Thursday, 26 April, 12:15–13:00 in Room SM1:

S. Bonvalot, G. Balmino, A. Briais, M. Kuhn, A. Peyrefitte, N. Vales, R. Biancale, G. Gabalda, and F. Reinquin
World Gravity Map: a set of global complete spherical Bouguer and isostatic anomaly maps and grids

W.B. Shen and J.C. Han
Global gravimetric geoid model based a new method

L. Besutiu
New insights on the deep geodynamic processes within Vrancea active seismic zone as inferred from non-tidal gravity changes

P. Mariani, C. Braitenberg, A. De Min, and N. Ussami
The Paraná large igneous magmatism at surface and lower crustal levels