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HS8.1.3 - Parameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology
Convener: Olaf Ippisch  | Co-Conveners: Jasper Vrugt , Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen , Thomas Wöhling 
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 16:30–17:15  / Room 35

In this PSD session the central idea and the key results of selected posters from the session "HS8.1.3 - Parameter Estimation, Inverse Modelling and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology" will be presented by the authors. There is also room for a common discussion.

The following contributions have been selected:
- G. Firmani and J. Matta: Comparison of first order analysis and Monte Carlo methods in evaluating groundwater model uncertainty: a case study from an iron ore mine in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia
- L. D. Donado and A. Gomez-Españo: Hydraulic characterization of the heterogeneity of the "Valle del Cauca" Aquifer (Colombia)
- M. Bannwarth, C. Hugenschmidt, W. Sangchan, M. Lamers, J. Ingwersen, and T. Streck: Modelling discharge dynamics in a tropical mountainous watershed in northern Thailand with SWAT using a new auto-calibration tool
- S. Birk and S. Hergarten:Estimation of aquifer parameters from the recession of spring hydrographs - Influence of flow geometry
- J. Mehne and W. Nowak: Optimization of Pilot Point Locations: an efficient and geostatistical perspective
- O. Klein, O. Ippisch, O. Cirpka, and P. Bastian: Geostatistical Inversion Under Transient Flow Conditions in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- V. Sharma, F. Ciocca, J.W. Hopmans, T. Kamai, I. Lunati, and M.B. Parlange: Heat Fluxes and Evaporation Measurements by Multi-Function Heat Pulse Probe: a Laboratory Experiment
- S. C. Iden, E. Diamantopoulos, and W. Durner: Unbiased simultaneous estimation of soil hydraulic properties and dynamic nonequilibrium parameters from transient outflow experiments
-H. Schelle, S.C. Iden, S. Schlüter, H.-J. Vogel, and W. Durner: Identification of effective flow processes and properties from virtual soils using inverse modelling