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GM2.2 - Digital Landscapes: Quantitative Interrogation and Use to Examine Geomorphic Processes
Convener: John K. Hillier  | Co-Conveners: David Mason , Paolo Tarolli , Paola Passalacqua , Susan Conway 
 / Thu, 26 Apr, 14:30–15:15  / Room 40

GM2.2 poster presenters will talk for no more than 5mins about their work. Provisional programme:

John Filski - The State of Health of Nature Reserves: A Case Study using the Fusion of Hyperspectral and Lidar Data
Giulia Sofia - LiDAR DTMs and anthropogenic feature extraction: testing the feasibility of geomorphometric parameters in floodplains
Sebastiano Trevisani/Lorenzo Marchi - Reading alpine morphology according to surface texture: two approaches compared
Marta Della Seta - Computation, validation and sensitivity of the DTM-derived geomorphic parameters: the case of Stream-Length Gradient Index
Karolina Fieber - Analysis of full-waveform LiDAR pulse properties for vegetation discrimination and characterisation
Paolo Tarolli - Regional scale analysis of the topographic signatures of landslide/debris flow dominated processes