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Soil Management for Sustainable Agro food Systems
Co-Conveners: Philip White , John Crawford , Jose Angel Amoros 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall Z

Soil is the sustaining media to most of livings organisms, being a source of most nutrients. The correct management of soil marks the limits between deficiency and toxicity of some of these nutrients. Thus, soil management could represent a direct or indirect problem from nutritional and environmental point of view to plants, animals, and directly or indirectly to human health.

Because of the intensification of food production, the management of soils becomes an important defy for the coming years because of the increase of world population. In this new basis, the management of soils in a sustainable manner is a challenge for research, through proper nutrient management and right soil conservation practices. In this sense, further research will be needed to avoid further degradation of soils, through erosion and contamination, and to product food for healthy diets, in quantity and quality.

Public information: Funding provided partially by Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, through the PCI AP/038205/11 and by project TFM 2012 of CEIGRAM (Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmetnal Risks, Technical University of Madrid (UPM)