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Teaching Soil Science or how to teach that dirt is fascinating
Convener: Antonio Jordán  | Co-Conveners: Lorena M. Zavala , David Badía-Villas , Joseph Liddicoat 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 3
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Hall X/Y
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD4.10 

Traditional teaching methods need to be renewed in the context of new generations of students, which are used to new information technologies, including audiovisual media, on-line tools and new devices. The use of new technologies in the classroom may help teachers in a great manner.
Successful instructors employ teaching methods that facilitate engagement, creative thinking and improvement in the transfer of ideas and concepts in the classroom. Those ideas and concepts are usually developed, tested, and applied by instructors working in a variety of colleges and universities, but often little of this knowledge or the results of these experiences are disseminated.
But teaching, especially in the area of soil and natural sciences, also implies experimental work. How are teachers solving these problems? What methods can be used to make students discover the complexity of soil and natural sciences in an interesting way? How teachers can help students to solve questions and problems themselves? New experiences for field and laboratory work are also expected to be shown and discussed through the session.
Conveners will consider the possibility of soliciting and publishing selected papers from this session in a special issue of a prestigious peer-reviewed journal.
Solicited abstracts: D. Frink (