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From Chernobyl to Fukushima: Development of the Geoscientists' Knowledgebase (co-organized)
Convener: Masatoshi Yamauchi  | Co-Conveners: Andreas Stohl , Elena Korobova , Gerhard Wotawa , Naohiro Yoshida , Michio Aoyama (deceased) 
 / Tue, 09 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room G1
 / Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room G1
 / Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room PICO Spot 1

Radioactive contamination due to massive accidental release of nuclear material from nuclear power plants (NPP) like Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986, has a large geophyscial impact and hence is a multidisciplinary geoscience problem involving inter-alia,

(i) Atmospheric Science (emissions, transport, pollution, ions);

(ii) Hydrology (ground water, surface water, ocean);

(iii) Soil System and Ecosystem;

(iv) Forestry and Agriculture;

(v) Geochemistry (natural removal/migration of radionuclides);

(vi) Natural Hazard (warning system, risk assessments including geophysical variability); and

(vii) Measurement Technique (e.g., analyses of multipoint data).

Studies on the Chernobyl Accident carried out in the past 27 years serve guidance on appropriate long-term measures to be taken for the Fukushima Accident and data from the dense measurement network around Fukushima bear the potential for an improved understanding what happened right after the Chernobyl Accident. Based on high-sensitivity global radionuclide monitoring networks as existing today, the hemispheric transport of radioactivity can be understood much better, and models can be validated and improved.

Both experiences should be used in developing improved monitoring systems including emergency time, acute sampling/measurement schemes, and remediation schemes yielding a substantially improved knowledge-base and thus preparedness for a future accident required in the absence of a world-wide moratorium on NPP operation. This joint session gathers observations, simulations, countermeasures and all other relevant geoscience topics.

Public information: This is the first time that EGU organize a special session on Fukushima Accident-related environmental radioactive problem from geoscience viewpoint. In addition to report on Fukushima-induced environmental contamination, we also gather Chernobyl-related problem because the pat 27-year experiences serve guidance on appropriate long-term measures to be taken for the Fukushima Accident.