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Tectonics and lithospheric structure of the Indo-Eurasia collision zone
Convener: Bernd Schurr  | Co-Conveners: Lothar Ratschbacher , Richard Gloaguen , Bradley Hacker , Oliver Ritter 
 / Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room B13
 / Attendance Wed, 10 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Blue Posters

The Indo-Eurasia continental collision zone is remarkable by the amount and diversity of structures preserved during the numerous tectonic processes that contributed to its formation. The shaping of these mountain belts has been complex in in both space and time and possibly involved inter alia the subduction/underthrusting of (greater) Indian or Eurasian lithosphere, slab break-off(s), lithospheric delamination, accretion of tectonic blocks, large-scale distributed lithospheric shortening of both Eurasia and India, plateau formation and collapse, and continental-scale escape along large strike-slip systems. Although several large-scale geophysical experiments and geological studies contributed significantly to our understanding of some key regions and processes during the last decade, many aspects of the collision’s tectonic evolution are still poorly constrained. Therefore, we look forward to data-driven geological and geophysical studies of the lithosphere that illuminate the current structure as well as the tectonic history of the Indo-Eurasia collision. We seek contributions from but not restricted to Central Asia, Hindu Kush, Tibet and Himalaya highlighting the current understanding of this exceptional orogen.