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IG3/HS12.4 - Isotope Techniques for Understanding Elemental Cycling in Catchments: Clues from temporal Dynamics and Spatial Resolution
Convener: Renato Winkler  | Co-Conveners: Paul Koeniger , Emmanuelle Petelet-Giraud , Philippe Negrel 
 / Fri, 12 Apr, 13:30–14:15  / Room B7

Pollution, extreme weather events, ground-surface water connections, and erosion processes are among the most structuring elements in catchments. Isotopes are largely used to trace water provenance, carbon source, recharge processes, geochemical reactions, catchment transit times, and coupled ecohydrological processes. Meanwhile recent advances in stable isotope analysis technology has simplified how and where isotopic measurements are made, with continuous and high data density measurements possible in the field. Contributions related to the application of classical isotopes and more recent developed ones with data sets obtained in lab or high-resolution, continuous field-based measurements of elemental cycling related to new methods in tracer hydrology or to specify external influences from human activities as well as global change (erosion, weathering rate, water transfer) in catchments are welcome.