Orals AS1.14
AS1.14 Mid-latitude Cyclones and Storms: Diagnostics of Observed and Future Trends, and related Impacts |
Convener: Gregor C. Leckebusch | Co-Conveners: Joaquim G. Pinto , Uwe Ulbrich |
Wednesday, 30 April 2014 Room B15 Chairperson: J.G. Pinto |
08:30–08:45 |
Inter-comparison of extra-tropical cyclone activity in eight reanalysis datasets Xiaolan L. Wang and Yang Feng |
08:45–09:00 |
New view of Arctic cyclone activity form the Arctic System Reanalysis Press & Media Natalia Tilinina, Sergey Gulev, and David Bromwich |
09:00–09:15 |
North Sea storminess from a novel storm surge record since AD 1843 Sönke Dangendorf, Sylvin Müller-Navarra, Jürgen Jensen, Frederik Schenk, Thomas Wahl, and Ralf Weisse |
09:15–09:30 |
The influence of spectral nudging in simulating individual Vb-events with COSMO-CLM Manuela Paumann, Ivonne Anders, Michael Hofstätter, and Barbara Chimani |
09:30–09:45 |
Objective Climatologies of Cyclones in the Mediterranean Region: implications of system identification and tracking criteria. Piero Lionello, Isabel F. Trigo, Victoria Gil Alfonso, Margarita L. R. Liberato, Katrin Nissen, Joaquim G. Pinto, Marco Reale, Ricardo M. Trigo, Sven Ulbrich, and Uwe Ulbrich |
09:45–10:00 |
Mediterranean Tropical-like Cyclones: Present and Future Leone Cavicchia, Hans von Storch, and Silvio Gualdi |
Coffee Break
10:30–10:45 |
Conceptual Models of High Winds in Marine Extratropical Cyclones: What We Know and What We Don't David M Schultz |
10:45–11:00 |
Classification of extratropical cyclogenesis events based on a set of precursors Michael Graf, Michael Sprenger, and Heini Wernli |
11:00–11:15 |
Can we trust climate models to realistically represent severe European windstorms? Tomasz M. Trzeciak, Peter Knippertz, and Jennifer S.R. Owen |
11:15–11:30 |
Understanding Model Spread in CMIP5: Sensitivity of North Atlantic Storm Tracks to Surface Boundary Conditions Laura Ciasto, Camille Li, Nils Gunnar Kvamstø, and Justin Wettstein |
11:30–11:45 |
Atmospheric fronts and related rainfall in current and future climate Jennifer Catto |
11:45–12:00 |
Serial clustering of extratropical cyclones over the North Atlantic and Europe under recent and future climate conditions Joaquim G. Pinto, Nina Bellenbaum, Melanie K. Karremann, and Paul M. Della-Marta |