Orals BG2.7/SSS10.6
BG2.7/SSS10.6 Climate extremes, ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles (co-organized) |
Convener: Markus Reichstein | Co-Conveners: Michael Bahn , Nuno Carvalhais , Yiqi Luo , Dorothea Frank |
Thursday, 1 May 2014 Room G5 Chairperson: Michael Bahn |
08:30–08:45 |
Vulnerability and resilience of European ecosystems towards extreme climatic events: The ecosystem perspective Kirsten Thonicke, Susanne Rolinski, Ariane Walz, Werner von Bloh, Marcel van Oijen, Edouard Davin, Barla Vieli, Tomomichi Kato, and Christian Beer |
08:45–09:00 |
Resilience of belowground carbon allocation dynamics after drought in a mountain grassland Lucia Fuchslueger, Michael Bahn, Karina Fritz, Roland Hasibeder, Sandra Kienzl, Michael Schmitt, Margarete Watzka, and Andreas Richter |
09:00–09:15 |
Drought-related tree mortality in drought-resistant semi-arid Aleppo pine forest Yakir Preisler, José M. Grünzweig, Eyal Rotenberg, Shani Rohatyn, and Dan Yakir |
09:15–09:30 |
How does wind-throw disturbance affect the carbon budget of an upland spruce forest ecosystem? Matthias Lindauer, Hans Peter Schmid, Rüdiger Grote, Matthias Mauder, Benjamin Wolpert, and Rainer Steinbrecher |
09:30–09:45 |
Effects of winter temperature and summer drought on net ecosystem exchange of CO2 in a temperate peatland Carole Helfter, Claire Campbell, Kerry Dinsmore, Julia Drewer, Mhairi Coyle, Margaret Anderson, Ute Skiba, Eiko Nemitz, Michael Billett, and Mark Sutton |
09:45–10:00 |
Exploring the role of model-data-fusion approaches in constraining the long term predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes with multi-model ensembles Nuno Carvalhais and the INFUSION team |
Coffee Break
10:30–10:45 |
Sensitivity of tropical lowland net primary production to climate anomalies Florian Hofhansl, Johannes Kobler, Sigrid Drage, Eva-Maria Pölz, and Wolfgang Wanek |
10:45–11:00 |
Where and why do extreme carbon events occur; the importance of marginal lands Anders Ahlström, Guy Schurgers, Benjamin Smith, and Almut Arneth |
11:00–11:15 |
Reduced productivity in European ecosystems from coincidences with climate extremes Anja Rammig, Marc Wiedermann, Jonathan Donges, Kirsten Thonicke, and Miguel Mahecha |
11:15–11:30 |
Persistence of evapotranspiration impacts from mountain pine beetle outbreaks in lodgepole pine forests, south-central Rocky Mountains, USA Melanie Vanderhoof and Christopher Williams |
11:30–11:45 |
Record-setting forest stress in the Rocky Mountains caused by low snowfall and high potential evapotranspiration, consistent with expected future conditions Noah Molotch and Ernesto Trujillo |
11:45–12:00 |
The composition and flux of vascular-plant derived organic matter export from small mountainous rivers during typhoon event Hongyan Bao and Shuh-Ji Kao |