Orals HS8.1.1
HS8.1.1 Subsurface flow, solute transport, and energy processes: Concepts, modelling, and observations |
Co-Convener: Marnik Vanclooster |
Thursday, 1 May 2014 Room R13 Chairperson: Marnik Vanclooster, Peter Bayer |
13:30–13:45 |
Modelling matrix diffusion in high-pH infiltration tests in concrete columns M Carme Chaparro, Maarten W Saaltink, Josep M Soler, Luit Jan Slooten, and Urs Mäder |
13:45–14:00 |
Detection of groundwater from space-based IR data: application to the Lake Chad basin. Teodolina LOPEZ, Raphaël ANTOINE, Pierre GENTHON, Michel RABINOWICZ, José DARROZES, Yann KERR, and Anny CAZENAVE |
14:00–14:15 |
Using random forests to explore the effects of site attributes and soil properties on near-saturated and saturated hydraulic conductivity Helena Jorda, John Koestel, and Nicholas Jarvis |
14:15–14:30 |
Relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and electric properties for investigating the alluvium aquifer Samgyu Park, Soodong Kim, and Se-Yeong Hamm |
14:30–14:45 |
Mixing Dynamics and Flow Topology in Heterogeneous Porous Media Marco Dentz, Tanguy Le Borgne, and Felipe P. J. de Barros |
14:45–15:00 |
Evaporation-driven transport and precipitation of salt in porous-media: A multi-domain approach Vishal Arun Jambhekar, Karen Sophie Schmid, and Rainer Helmig |
Coffee Break
15:30–15:45 |
Regional aquifer geochemistry below the Boom Clay (NE-Belgium): data analysis and modelling Katrijn Vandersteen and Bertrand Leterme |
15:45–16:00 |
Sorption and transport of atrazine in an agricultural soil Nihat Hakan Akyol |
16:00–16:15 |
Water dynamics and groundwater contributions in a young mountain soil under different meteorological conditions Amro Negm, Marco Falocchi, Stefano Barontini, Roberto Ranzi, and Baldassare Bacchi |
16:15–16:30 |
Mimicking pestcide percolation dynamics in ditches bed by successive column infltration experiment Cecile Dages, Anatja Samouelian, Veronika Storck, Sandrine Negro, Olivier Huttel, and Marc Voltz |
16:30–16:45 |
What is the role of information in matter and energy exchanges? Joon Kim, Minseok Kang, Juyeol Yun, and Sehee Kim |
16:45–17:00 |
Streamlines simulation of solute mixing in groundwater flow with complex topology Paulo Herrera and Gabriele Chiogna |