Orals SSP3.1.3
SSP3.1.3 Sedimentary structures formed by upper-regime flows: From antidunes to cyclic steps |
Convener: Svetlana Kostic | Co-Conveners: Miwa Yokokawa , Guilhem Amin Douillet |
Monday, 28 April 2014 Room B13 Chairperson: Svetlana Kostic, Miwa Yokokawa, Suzanne Leclair |
10:30–10:45 |
Cyclic steps on ice and a sediment-covered bed: their analogies and differences Norihiro Izumi, Miwa Yokokawa, and Kensuke Naito |
Keynote Talk 1: Izumi / experiments & theory of cyclic steps in different environments
10:45–11:00 |
Super- and subcritical turbidity currents and their deposits - a synthesis George Postma and Matthieu Cartigny |
Keynote Talk 2: Cartigny or Leclair / field observations & deposits
11:00–11:15 |
From Generic to Field-Scale Modeling of Submarine Upper-Regime Bedforms Svetlana Kostic |
Keynote Talk 3: Kostic / numerical & field reconstruction of paleo-flows that form upper-regime bedforms
11:15–11:30 |
Downstream migrating antidunes or in-phase waves? Francisco Núñez González |
Invited Talk 1: González / experiments on open-channel antidunes
11:30–11:45 |
The role of upper-regime flow bedforms in the morphodynamics of submarine channels Jacob A. Covault, Svetlana Kostic, and Andrea Fildani |
Invited Talk 2: Covault / channel initiation & maintenance by cyclic steps
11:45–12:00 |
The spiral troughs of Mars North Polar Layered Deposits as Cyclic Steps Isaac Smith, Aymeric Spiga, and John Holt |
Invited Talk 3: Smith / cyclic steps on Mars