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Numerical modelling and experiments in river morphodynamics (co-organized)
Convener: Annunziato Siviglia  | Co-Conveners: David Vetsch , Richard Hardy , Valerio Caleffi , Kamal El kadi Abderrezzak , Paolo Perona , Stuart McLelland , Benoît Crouzy 
 / Fri, 02 May, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Fri, 02 May, 13:30–15:00

In consideration of increasing demand for predictive tools, numerical morphodynamic models and laboratory experiments provide scientific frameworks for advancing our understanding of river systems. The research on involved topics is important and socially relevant undertaking regarding our environment. Nowadays numerical models and flume experiments are used for different purposes from answering questions about basic morphodynamic research, to managing complex river engineering problems. Due to increasing computer power and the development of advanced numerical techniques, morphodynamic models are now more and more used to predict the bed patterns evolution to a broad spectrum of spatial and temporal scales. The development and the success of application of such models is based upon a wide range of disciplines ranging from applied mathematics for the numerical solution of the equations to geomorphology for the physical interpretation of the results. In this light we solicit multidisciplinary contributions which encompass any aspect needed for the development and applications of such models. In particular this session focuses on: i) numerical methods;
ii) mathematical model description and possible consequences related to different numerical solution strategies; iii) morphodynamic interaction with different physical processes (e.g. vegetation, bank erosion, etc.); iv) description of basic morphodynamic processes to any spatial and temporal scale; v) applications to river engineering problems. Two invited talks by Professor Yasuyuki Shimizu (Laboratory of Hydraulic Research Division of Field Engineering for the Environment Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University) and Dr. Erik Mosselman (Deltares, Delft) will be given during the session.The best outcomes of this session will be selected for possible publication in a special issue of Advances in Water Resources.

Public information: The oral presentation by Javier Murillo, Carmelo Juez, and Pilar Garcia-Navarro entitled
"Energy balanced numerical schemes for numerical modelling of river morphodynamics"

has been replaced by the following
"A 1-D Size Specific Numerical Model for Gravel Transport That Includes Sediment Exchange with a Floodplain"
by Wesley Lauer, Enrica Viparelli, and Herve Piegay