Orals GM3.1/GD3.8/TS3.6
Friday, 17 April 2015 Room G11 Chairperson: R. Delunel & P. Valla |
10:30–10:45 |
Lake-level changes and rates of erosion on the Tibetan Plateau: implications for Quaternary climate change and landscape evolution (solicited) Ralf Hetzel, Eike F. Rades, Manfred Frechen, Marcus Strobl, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Qiang Xu, and Lin Ding |
10:45–11:00 |
Denudation of carbonate landscapes: Insights from the Luberon Mountains, Provence, France Vincent Godard, Cécile Miramont, Olivier Bellier, Vincent Ollivier, Jules Fleury, Lucilla Benedetti, Valéry Guillou, and Team ASTER |
11:00–11:15 |
| presentation
Autogenic terraces and non-linear river incision rates under steady external forcing Luca C Malatesta, Jeffrey P Prancevic, and Jean-Philippe Avouac |
11:15–11:30 |
Debris flow grain size scales with sea surface temperature over glacial-interglacial timescales Mitch D'Arcy, Duna C. Roda Boluda, Alexander C. Whittaker, and João Paulo C. Araújo |
11:30–11:45 |
The effect of a rainfall and discharge variability on erosion rates in a highly active tectonic setting: a stochastic approach Jean Braun, Eric Deal, and Christoff Andermann |
11:45–12:00 |
Global scale analysis of the stream power law parameters based on worldwide 10Be denudation rates Marie-Alice Harel, Simon Mudd, and Mikael Attal |
Lunch Break
13:30–13:45 |
Quantifying glacial erosion in the European Alps using apatite fission track dating Cornelia Wangenheim and Christoph Glotzbach |
13:45–14:00 |
How long do U-shaped valleys last? The lifespan of glacial topography set by tectonics. Günther Prasicek, Isaac Larsen, and David Montgomery |
14:00–14:15 |
Quaternary Tectonic and Climatic Processes shaping the Central Andean hyperarid forearc (southern Peru) (solicited) Laurence Audin, Carlos Benavente, Swann Zerathe, Marianne Saillard, Sarah R. Hall, and Daniel L. Farber |
14:15–14:30 |
Empirical relationships among triangular facet slope, facet height and slip rates along active normal faults from ASTER DEM data Christina Tsimi and Athanassios Ganas |
14:30–14:45 |
Slab flattening driving regional uplift in the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra, Western Andes Audrey Margirier, Laurence Audin, Xavier Robert, Matthias Bernet, and Cécile Gautheron |
14:45–15:00 |
Late Quaternary cooling rate constrained by multiple IRSL thermochronometers of potassium feldspars for granites from Kongur Shan, Chinese Pamir Jintang Qin, Jie Chen, Pierre Valla, and Frédéric Herman |
Coffee Break
15:30–15:45 |
Understanding long-term strain accommodation in the Longmen Shan region: Insights from 3D thermo-kinematic modelling of thermochronometry data Yuntao Tian, Pieter Vermeesch, and Andy Carter |
15:45–16:00 |
The 17 Ma old Turkana beaked whale fossil: new paleoaltimetry constraints for uplift and environmental change in East Africa Henry Wichura, Louis L. Jacobs, Manfred R. Strecker, Andrew Lin, Michael J. Polcyn, Fredrick K. Manthi, Dale A. Winkler, and Clemens Matthew |
16:00–16:15 |
Bridging the timescales between thermochronological and cosmogenic nuclide data Christoph Glotzbach |
16:15–16:30 |
Uplift and Erosion Histories of Continents From Inversion of Drainage Networks Gareth G. Roberts and Nicky White |
16:30–16:45 |
Landscape response to changes in dynamic topography Gregory A. Ruetenik, Robert Moucha, and Gregory D. Hoke |
16:45–17:00 |
On the Origin of Cratonic Sag Basins: Did They Sag? Jason P. Morgan |