Orals OS1.7
OS1.7 Tropical & Subtropical Ocean Circulation, Equatorial to Mid-Latitude Air-Sea Interactions |
Convener: Alban Lazar | Co-Conveners: Marcus Dengler , Noel Keenlyside |
Thursday, 16 April 2015 Room Y4 Chairperson: Marcus Dengler & Alban Lazar |
tropical processes
08:30–08:45 |
Rethinking the role of the Bjerknes feedback in the equatorial Atlantic Ingo Richter, Swadhin Behera, Takeshi Doi, and Bunmei Taguchi |
08:45–09:00 |
Inter-annual coastal-trapped wave in the South-Atlantic ocean : Remote versus local forcing Marie-Lou Bachelery, Serena Illig, and Isabelle Dadou |
09:00–09:15 |
Propagation of coastally trapped waves in the Northern Benguela studied with hydrographic moorings and a regional circulation model Lydia Siegfried, Tim Junker, Volker Mohrholz, Martin Schmidt, and Anja van der Plas |
09:15–09:30 |
Nearshore transects of surface wind and wind stress in the Atlantic eastern boundary upwelling systems Michael Schlundt, Marcus Dengler, Peter Brandt, and Karl Bumke |
09:30–09:45 |
Enhanced Vertical Atmosphere Resolution improves Climate Model Simulation of Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature and Interannual Variability Jan Harlass, Mojib Latif, and Wonsun Park |
09:45–10:00 |
Low-frequency thermohaline variability in the Subtropical South Atlantic pycnocline during 2002-2013 Nicolas Kolodziejczyk, Gilles Reverdin, Fabienne Gaillard, and Alban Lazar |
Coffee Break
10:30–10:45 |
SST/Wind stress mesoscale coupling in the South East Pacific : what drives its spatial and temporal variations ? Véra Oerder, François Colas, Vincent Echevin, Sebastien Masson, Christophe Hourdin, Swen Jullien, and Florian Lemarié |
substropical processes and tropics-subtropics interactions
10:45–11:00 |
The impact of ENSO on the South Atlantic Subtropical Dipole Mode Regina Rodrigues, Edmo Campos, and Reindert Haarsma |
11:00–11:15 |
Intensification and poleward shift of subtropical western boundary currents under global warming Hu Yang, Gerrit Lohmann, Wei Wei, Mihai Dima, and Jiping Liu |
11:15–11:30 |
Planetary boundary layer response to surface temperature anomalies forcing Xavier Perrot, Guillaume Lapeyre, and Riwal Plougonven |
11:30–11:45 |
Role of the Midlatitude Oceanic Front in the Ozone-induced Climate Change in the Southern Hemisphere as Revealed in Aqua Planet Experiments Fumiaki Ogawa, Nour-Eddine Omrani, Kazuaki Nishii, Hisashi Nakamura, and Noel Keenlyside |
11:45–12:00 |
A tropical - extratropical cloud albedo control on the warm pool, cold tongue, Walker circulation complex Natalie Burls and Alexey Fedorov |