Orals TS1.3/EMRP4.7/ERE5.5
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 Room B6 Chairperson: Juliet Crider - Olivier Lacombe |
15:30–15:45 |
The role of structural diagenesis in faulting and fracturing of upper crustal rocks (solicited) Stephen Laubach |
15:45–16:00 |
Insights on fluid-rock interaction evolution during deformation from fracture network geochemistry at reservoir-scale Nicolas Beaudoin, Daniel Koehn, Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas Bellahsen, and Laurent Emmanuel |
16:00–16:15 |
The impact of stylolites on brittle failure of carbonates: mechanical data and numerical simulations Patrick Baud, Michael Heap, Tao Xu, Alexandra Rolland, Thomas Ferrand, Marion Nicolé, Thierry Reuschlé, and Nathalie Conil |
16:15–16:30 |
Compaction creep by pore failure and pressure solution applied to a carbonate reservoir Daniel Keszthelyi, Bjørn Jamtveit, and Dag Kristian Dysthe |
16:30–16:45 |
Clumped isotope constraints on fluid processes and heat advection during late Variscan brittle failure of carbonate rocks Paul Dennis, Daniel Myhill, Neil Allanach, Alexandra Forman, and Alina Marca |
16:45–17:00 |
Fault zone hydraulic properties provide an independent estimate of coseismic fracturing at 8 km depth (Gole Larghe Fault Zone, Italian Southern Alps) Andrea Bistacchi, Giulio Di Toro, Steven Smith, Silvia Mittempergher, Paolo Garofalo, and Alice Vho |