PICO SSS12.11/ESSI2.14/GMPV7.2
SSS12.11/ESSI2.14/GMPV7.2 Platforms, Sensors and Applications with Unmanned Aerial Systems in the geosciences (co-organized) |
Convener: Saskia Keesstra | Co-Conveners: Christian Briese , Damià Vericat , Paolo Paron , Norbert Pfeifer |
/ Thu, 16 Apr, 15:30–17:00
Thursday, 16 April 2015 PICO Spot 3 Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:30–15:32 PICO3.1 |
LUNA: low-flying UAV-based forest monitoring system Jan Jacob Keizer, Luísa Pereira, Glória Pinto, Artur Alves, Antonio Barros, Frans-Joost Boogert, Sílvia Cambra, Cláudia de Jesus, Silja Frankenbach, Raquel Mesquita, João Serôdio, José Martins, and Ricardo Almendra |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:32–15:34 PICO3.2 |
A prototype of radar-drone system for measuring the surface flow velocity at river sites and discharge estimation Tommaso Moramarco, Federico Alimenti, Graziano Zucco, Silvia Barbetta, Angelica Tarpanelli, Luca Brocca, Paolo Mezzanotte, Luca Rosselli, Giulia Orecchini, Marco Virili, Paolo Valigi, Thomas Ciarfuglia, and Stefano Pagnottelli |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:34–15:36 PICO3.3 |
The Efficacy of Using UAS-Based CIR Images to Examine Tree Pest Infestation in Forests (withdrawn) Jan Rudolf Karl Lehmann, Felix Nieberding, Torsten Prinz, and Christian Knoth |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:36–15:38 PICO3.4 |
UAV based tree height estimation in apple orchards: potential of multiple approaches Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, Enrico Tomelleri, Andrea Vilardi, and Marc Zebisch |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:38–15:40 PICO3.5 |
Beach monitoring using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: results of a multi-temporal study Elisa Casella, Alessio Rovere, Marco Casella, Andrea Pedroncini, Marco Ferrari, Matteo Vacchi, and Marco Firpo |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:40–15:42 PICO3.6 |
Fusion of Remote Sensing Methods, UAV Photogrammetry and LiDAR Scanning products for monitoring fluvial dynamics Theodora Lendzioch, Jakub Langhammer, and Filip Hartvich |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:42–15:44 PICO3.7 |
Using small unmanned aerial vehicle for instream habitat evaluation and modelling Luca Astegiano, Paolo Vezza, Claudio Comoglio, Andrea Lingua, and Michele Spairani |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:44–15:46 PICO3.8 |
Towards digital terrain modeling with unmanned aerial vehicles and SfM point clouds Niels Anders, Rens Masselink, and Saskia Keesstra |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:46–15:48 PICO3.9 |
Derivation of reflectance data from UAV-acquired multispectral imagery and ground-truth measurements to estimate biophysical information of agricultural crops (withdrawn) Philipp Rauneker, Marc Wehrhan, Bernd Zbell, and Gunnar Lischeid |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:48–15:50 PICO3.10 |
Aerial imagery and structure-from-motion based DEM reconstruction of region-sized areas (Sierra Arana, Spain and Namur Province, Belgium) using an high-altitude drifting balloon platform. Christian Burlet, Rosa María Mateos, Jose Miguel Azañón, José Vicente Perez, and Yves Vanbrabant |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:50–15:52 PICO3.11 |
Combining terrestrial laser scanning and UAV photogrammetry for fast and lightweight surveying Dario Conforti |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:52–15:54 PICO3.12 |
Evaluating the accuracy of orthophotos and 3D models from UAV photogrammetry Kalev Julge and Artu Ellmann |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:54–15:56 PICO3.13 |
Comparison of heat flux estimations from two turbulent exchange models based on thermal UAV data. Helene Hoffmann, Hector Nieto, Rasmus Jensen, and Thomas Friborg |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:56–15:58 PICO3.14 |
Surface and sub-surface anatomy of the landscape: integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Structure from Motion (UAV-SfM) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GRP) to investigate sedimentary features in the field. – an example from NW Australia Nik Callow, Matthias Leopold, and Simon Matthias May |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
15:58–16:00 PICO3.15 |
Mapping of invasive Acacia species in Brazilian Mussununga ecosystems using high- resolution IR remote sensing data acquired with an autonomous Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Jan Rudolf Karl Lehmann, Ondrej Zvara, and Torsten Prinz |
Chairperson: Christian Briese and Saskia Keesstra |
16:00–16:02 PICO3.16 |
Automatic Extraction of Small Spatial Plots from Geo-Registered UAS Imagery Keith Cherkauer and Anthony Hearst |